Mumbai, Dec 29 Punjabi superstar Diljit Dosanjh, who has been scooping adulation across the world courtesy his live shows, dedicated his recent show in Guwahati to the former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The actor-singer took to his Instagram on Sunday, and shared a video from his show. In the video, Diljit paid a moving tribute to the former PM, and said that MMS was a man of grace, who always conducted himself in a sophisticated manner, and never answered anyone in an uncivilised manner. He said, “Today’s concert is dedicated to former late Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. He led a very simple life. He never used to answer back or talk ill which is quite immpossible in a profession like politics”. He then went on to say a shayari once used by MMS, as he said, “Hazaro’n jawabo’n se meri khamoshi acchi, na jane kitne sawalo ki aabru dhak leti hai”.
The superstar urged the youth including himself to learn such etiquettes from him. He wrote in the caption, “Today’s Concert is dedicated to Dr. Manmohan Singh Ji. DIL-LUMINATI TOUR Year 24”. MMS passed away on December 26 after prolonged illness. Several members of the film fraternity condoled his demise, and thanked him for his service to the nation and materialising several key moments in modern India. Earlier, Diljit addressed the “conspiracy” that has been alleged against him over the spelling of the Indian state of Punjab. The actor-singer took to his X, formerly Twitter, and spoke about the same. He penned a long note in which he also spoke about how English is a very tricky language, and can particularly cause trouble to those whose first language is not English. He wrote, “Punjabi. If I mistakenly didn’t put up India’s flag after writing ‘Panjab’ in a tweet then it becomes a conspiracy. In a tweet from Bengaluru, I forgot to mention the Indian flag after writing ‘Panjab’, it became a conspiracy”.
He further mentioned, “If you write ‘Panjab’ instead of ‘Punjab’, it will remain ‘Punjab’. Panj Aab – 5 Rivers. Bravo, those who create conspiracy around the usage in a language of the Englishmen. You know what, I will write ‘Panjab’. How many times do we prove that we LOVE INDIA. Bring something new, or is creating conspiracy is what you get paid for? #Vehley”. The superstar has seen a meteoric rise in the last couple of years with the box-office success of his films in Hindi and Punjabi cinema. The singer-actor also performed at the Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival in April 2023 making him the first Indian performer to achieve the feat. He was followed by fellow Punjabi artiste A. P. Dhillon at Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival in April 2024. Meanwhile, Diljit is set to conclude the India leg of Dil-Luminati tour in Ludhiana.