As conflicts rage on, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has emerged as a leading voice of peace globally

Studies say conflicts today are deadlier with thrice the number of casualties due to the ‘intensification of violence’. The Colombian conflict, for example, that lasted for 52 years, claimed 250,000 lives and affected 7 million people. Closer home, in India, militancy and radicalization have continued to create law and order crises in states like Kashmir and the northeast. What is making matters worse is that more violence is being used to stub violence and this has risked world peace. Today it is more important than ever to focus on what holds the key to the elimination of violence with countries piling up weapons and unhinged proliferation of arms.

In this regard, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a humanitarian and spiritual leader has emerged as one of the leading voices to start a dialogue in favour of global peace, conflict resolution and disarmament.

Gurudev’s approach to peace

Whether by inspiring over 500 million people in 180 countries to find inner peace and happiness, or by resolving long-standing conflicts, and making dialogue possible, he has worked intending to create a stress-free,violence-free and healthy society.

Mediating and creating opportunities for dialogue between conflicting parties, and using the powerful tool of meditation for inner and outer peace

In India’s Northeast

“We will not rest till the last gun is laid down,” Gurudev said during his address at the first-of-its-kind conference organized by The Art of Living that brought 67 militant groups from India’s northeastern region belonging to different ideologies together on a common platform to discuss issues in the region and find actionable ways to bring peace and stability to the region.

Under one such intervention, 68 militants surrendered in the presence of authorities, after a decade-long engagement of The Art of Living volunteers with militants in the area. “My anger has turned into a smile,” said one of the surrendered militants, “Earlier, it was difficult to imagine a normal life. Today, I’m leading a peaceful life.”

The 500-year-old conflict in Ayodhya

Gurudev played a crucial role in the resolution of the 500-year-old Ayodhya Ram Mandir conflict. His efforts began years before, quietly and persistently engaging with all stakeholders involved. His approach was characterized by inclusivity and a deep understanding of the spiritual and cultural significance of the Ram Mandir for Hindus and the sensitivity it held for Muslims. He convened dialogues that were instrumental in breaking down barriers and fostering trust among the parties. He played a crucial part in reaching a consensus that honoured both the aspirations of Hindus and the sentiments of the Muslim community.
Beyond Ayodhya, he is also known to have convinced leaders of the FARC, a Colombian rebel group, about the importance of adopting the Gandhian principle of nonviolence in Colombia. At the historic press conference, the FARC leaders shared, “Meeting Gurudev and the Art of Living was truly a miracle. We will fulfil the promise we made to him to follow the Gandhian principle of non-violence.”

In the middle-east

Ibrahim was playing in the backyard when Daesh shot and killed two of his brothers. Ibrahim escaped ISIS but recurring memories of that morning caused him searing traumatic pain. Sleep evaded the 12-year-old Syrian boy. In an act of fateful irony, Ibrahim is learning lessons of peace in the heart of the century’s deadliest conflict.

“Every time he closed his eyes, he would see them,” shares Ibrahim’s Art of Living meditation teacher, “One day he says, ‘These ten-minute meditations here are worth a night’s sleep because I am finally able to rest’.” The teacher shares another incident of an 11-year-old child, who was assigned to carry weapons. “He would draw Kalashnikovs when asked to remember favourite things and happy moments. He said(after meditations)-I feel okay now.”

“Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, innocence is our very nature,” she shares. “When they see so much conflict and violence, they start losing their innocence. Our job is to mend whatever we can, so they can get back to their nature.”

In another Art of Living workshop, laughter became a source of catharsis for female soldiers, who were not allowed emotional expression as soldiers.

In the Middle East, in 2008, Gurudev met leaders on all sides of the Iraq conflict (Shia, Sunni and Kurds.) Peace observers say he is one of the very few world leaders to have been able to do this at a time of conflict. Gurudev has guided trauma relief and healing workshops for thousands of war-affected people and youth. A 12-year-old Malik from Babal-Tabbaneh in Tripoli recalls, “I learned exercises that relaxed my body and emptied my heart of all problems and burdens. It made me free of tension and anger. I wish that all people would come to this happy place.”

Helping prisoners find freedom

Gurudev has helped resolve conflicts outside oneself and those that rage on within. His interventions in prison rehabilitation have shown tremendous hope for humanity at large, with over 8,00,000 prisoners having experienced powerful techniques to find peace within and better say on their emotions.
“The program has made me feel free from inside. And isn’t that a wonderful feeling for a prisoner?” says a Belgian prison inmate.

Breath is universal

Gurudev has woven scientifically proven breathing techniques, meditation, counselling, practical wisdom and Yoga into a comprehensive program that helps individuals handle life’s curve balls. According to Mawahib Al Shaibani, an Art of Living trainer in the Middle East, “The techniques he has given us are universal which use breath that doesn’t belong to any particular group.”

Service is love in action

Gurudev says when there is peace and enthusiasm within, one asks, “What can I do for you?” Gurudev has spearheaded and inspired service initiatives like the rejuvenation of 70 rivers and tributaries in India, a big step in making the country water positive and starting 1262 schools that provide holistic and good quality education to 100,000 underprivileged kids, who are first-generation learners, in the country. His reforestation initiatives have led to the planting of over 81.2 million trees around the world. He has supported the Indian farming community holistically, by not only making more water available for them through recharge structures but also training over 2.2 million farmers in natural farming, a sustainable, low-cost, healthier and profitable form of farming.

You don’t want to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to experience a life transforming workshop with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar live in Perth (17 Oct), Melbourne (19 Oct) & Sydney (20 Oct). Visit for more details.

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