New National President announced for peak women’s group

Australia’s peak women’s advocacy body for the Jewish community has elected a new
President and Board.

Founded in 1923 by revolutionary feminist Dr Fanny Reading MBE, the National Council
of Jewish Women Australia (NCJWA) focuses on human rights, social justice, and the
advancement of women in the Jewish and wider communities.

Lynda Ben-Menashe, a community builder and educator, was selected for the role due to
her many years of experience working collaboratively with community organisations
across cultures.

“Jewish organisations worldwide are recalibrating themselves in in response to the
seismic changes since 7 October 2023, which have galvanised Jewish people like never
before,” Lynda said.

Incoming National President – National Council of Jewish Women Australia, Lynda Ben-Menashe

“NCJWA has always focused on issues that affect all women, including gender inequality,
domestic violence, and Reconciliation.

“Today, we also need to address the disintegration of civil discourse, the tsunami of
racism against Jewish people and the disproportionate amount expressed by female socalled ‘influencers’.”

The announcement includes the appointment of new Board members, a group of highly
accomplished women across Australia aged from their 20s upwards, from the sectors of
academia, business, government, law, human rights and media.

At just 0.4 percent, the Jewish community represents just a tiny fraction of Australia’s
culturally diverse population. This makes it difficult to be heard.

“The NCJWA will be working hard to ensure that Australian Jewish women have a
platform and a louder voice,” Lynda said.

Lynda commended the work of the outgoing National NCJWA President, Melinda Jones.
“Melinda brought comfort and connection to Jewish Australian women during one of the
most trying periods we have ever faced,” Lynda said.

“Her legacy and the legacies of all past National and state Section presidents give me
both inspiration and strength.”

The NCJWA also represents women on the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ)
and on other boards nationally and internationally.

In congratulating Lynda on her election, ECAJ Co-CEO Peter Wertheim AM, praised the
NCJWA’s role in representing women from across the Jewish community.

“It is gratifying to see the voices of Australian Jewish women being represented by longestablished, membership-driven organisations such as NCJWA, led by an experienced
and respected mainstream community leader such as Lynda,” Peter said.

“In recent times marginal individuals who have only tenuous connections to the Jewish
community have set themselves up with high-sounding, thoroughly deceitful
organisational names and promoted themselves as a Jewish community voice, with the
connivance of forces who are hostile to the Jewish community.

“To counter them, we need experienced, trusted voices like Lynda’s – now more than

Federal Member for Berowra, Julian Leeser, said he was delighted to hear about Lynda’s

“Lynda will bring her deep understanding of the community space, her international
experience and her strategic expertise to this task, at time when our community has
never needed her calibre of leadership more,” Julian said.

“When there are Australian academics denying the rapes of October 7, to have Lynda
Ben-Menashe heading the Jewish community’s peak advocacy body for women is a

NSW Parliament Member for Coogee, Dr Marjorie O’Neill, said she was very pleased to
see Lynda appointed President.

“With a proven track record in building cohesive communities, Lynda brings
unprecedented experience and expertise to the leadership of the NCJWA, which is very
much needed in the current conflictual and worrying climate.

“It is more important than ever that women’s voices are elevated, and I know Lynda will
not only listen to the community but also work tirelessly to achieve the best possible
outcomes for all.”

Federal Member for Wentworth, Allegra Spender, sent her heartfelt congratulations to

“It is a critical time for women and the Jewish community, and Lynda will bring a wealth
of experience in her leadership of this important organisation.”

Lynda said she was ready for the challenge of representing and advocating for Jewish
women and women in Australia generally.

“I look forward to collaborating with all those who wish to improve the lives of Australian
women and all indeed Australians,” Lynda said.

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