Mystical approaches to combat bad dreams

By T. Selva

Are you experiencing bad dreams, nightmares, or interrupted sleep patterns?

In ancient occult sciences, the interpretation of disturbed sleep often involves spiritual and mystical explanations.

In spiritual understanding, bad dreams are caused by negative entities, spirits, or demons. These entities may be attracted to individuals because of unresolved emotional issues, destructive energy, or specific spiritual weaknesses.

In Hinduism, the chakras (energy centres in the body) must be balanced for physical and mental well-being.

Sleep disorders or unwelcome dreams could indicate imbalances or blockages in specific chakras, notably the Third Eye (Ajna) or the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara), which are linked to dreams and spiritual experiences.

Accumulation of negative psychic energy in one’s aura, often caused by prolonged exposure to toxic environments or emotions, is believed to affect sleep quality and lead to nightmares.

From the astrology perspective, certain planets, particularly malefic ones like Saturn, Mars, or Rahu (dragon’s head), can negatively affect sleep patterns and cause nightmares when in a challenging position in a person’s horoscope.

Transits, retrogrades, or aspects involving these planets might be considered responsible for disturbed sleep.

The Moon’s phases, especially the New Moon and Full Moon, are also often associated with heightened emotional states.

Full Moon, in particular, is believed to bring intense dreams or nightmares due to its strong influence on the subconscious mind.

Some traditions attribute nightmares to curses or other evil magic cast by someone. The intention behind such magic could be to disturb the person’s peace of mind or weaken their spiritual defences.

Exposure to places or objects associated with harmful rituals can also leave a residual energy that could affect sleep and dreams, causing nightmares.

Though these occurrences are beyond our control, ancient cultures across the globe have developed tools and techniques to ward off bad dreams, often rooted in spiritual and folk traditions.

Here are some of the most well-known practices:

  • Dreamcatchers: Dreamcatchers are found in Native American cultures, particularly among the Ojibwe (Chippewa) people.

They are handmade objects consisting of a woven net or web, often adorned with feathers and beads.

Dream catchers are believed to filter out negative dreams and allow positive ones to pass through.

They are traditionally believed to have protective qualities, especially for children.

Dream catchers should be hung above the bed or window to protect people from bad dreams and nightmares.

The belief is that the dream catcher’s web traps terrible dreams, allowing good dreams to pass through and slide down the feathers to the sleeper below.

The dream catcher’s circular shape represents the circle of life, with no beginning or end.

The web symbolises the weaving of dreams and realities, acting as a filter for dreams.

  • Amulets and talismans:Wearing the powerful Surya Chandra Karya Siddhi amulet for men and the Natchatra Karya Siddhi amulet for women is designed to protect individuals from harm and evil spirits.
  • Salt:Salt has been used as a purifying and protective agent since ancient times. Placing salt in the bed’s four corners or a bowl of salt water nearby can help ward off negative energies. Washing the feet with salt-infused water assures a restful sleep.
  • Protective plants: Certain plants are believed to have protective qualities and are placed in the bedroom. The Rosemary and Bay Leaves are known to protect against evil influences.
  • Herbal remedies: Lavender is known for its calming properties. It should be placed under pillows or used in sachets. The Mugwort plant herb is another powerful product that can protect against bad dreams.
  • Bedtime ritual:Spoken or chanted prayers and incantations can protect the sleeper from nightmares. Specific routines should be performed before sleep to ensure peace and protection.
  • Night light:Lighting a small candle or oil lamp helps to ward off spirits or opposing forces that cause bad dreams. Avoid sleeping in complete darkness.
  • Protection symbols: To provide protection, various symbols can be placed around the sleeping area. These could include crosses, pentagrams, or other culturally significant symbols.
  • Frangipani flower cream:This cream not only has rejuvenating properties but is also known as the flower that wards off unseen entities.
  • Sleeping directions:Never sleep with your head towards the north and legs towards the south. Earth’s magnetic fields are concentrated in the North and South Poles, and when you sleep with your head pointing north, your body’s magnetic field interferes with that of the Earth, thus affecting your peaceful sleep and attracting negative dreams.

Award-winning author Dr. T. Selva is a speaker and the author of the bestseller Vasthu Sastra Guide. To purchase a copy of the book, WhatsApp Devi at 0412623017. You can also contact Dr Selva at Facebook: Vasthu Sastra.

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