IWE Global Empower Her Event: Visionaries Unite for Global Empowerment

On June 21, 2024, the IWE project under the Community Migrant Resource Centre (CMRC) hosted the highly anticipated Global Empower Her event at Parliament House, NSW. This significant event celebrated the vision and collaboration needed to empower women facing global issues such as domestic and family violence, workplace harassment, and more.

Collaboration of Renu Bhatia, Melissa Monteiro, and Mansi Khanna Bhatia

Renu Bhatia, Chairperson of the Women’s State Commission in Haryana, joined hands with Melissa Monteiro, CEO of CMRC, and Mansi Khanna Bhatia, IWE Ambassador, in this important mission to empower women. This collaboration exemplifies the strength of working together across two countries, India and Australia, to bring about a substantial impact on women’s lives.
















Renu Bhatia shared her extensive expertise on critical issues like domestic violence, workplace harassment, and property rights. Under her leadership, the Women’s State Commission provides legal and financial assistance to women in need and has the authority to direct police actions to ensure women’s safety and uphold their rights.
The event featured several esteemed speakers who delivered inspiring messages on various important topics:
• MP Andrew Charlton, Federal Member of Parramatta, highlighted the legislative efforts to protect women’s rights and ensure their safety.
• MP Donna Davis, State Member of Parramatta, spoke on legislative support for women’s rights and the importance of policy changes.
• Joseph La Posta, CEO of Multicultural NSW, emphasized the importance of cultural diversity in addressing domestic violence and supporting victims.
• Superintendent Karen Cook, shared her extensive experience in law enforcement and community safety, focusing on protective measures and support systems.
• Dr. Astrid Perry, Head of Women Settlement Services International, highlighted the challenges faced by immigrant women and the need for tailored support services.
• Tahmara Thomas from Her Village, shared impactful stories from her organization, focusing on community support and empowerment initiatives.
• Nalika Padmesena OAM, discussed her advocacy work and the instrumental role it plays in driving policy changes to benefit women.
• Melissa Monteiro, CEO of CMRC, emphasized CMRC’s role in women’s empowerment and outlined upcoming initiatives of the organization.
• Emelda Davis, Councillor of the City of Sydney, discussed community support and local initiatives for women’s safety and empowerment.
A Step Towards Lasting Change
The Global Empower Her event was more than just a gathering; it was a powerful movement towards global empowerment, particularly focusing on the Indian community. The collaboration between local and international leaders, organizations, and advocates demonstrated the collective strength needed to combat domestic and family violence and empower women through financial and legal independence.

Inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” (Save the Daughter, Educate the Daughter), this event underscores the importance of supporting and empowering women globally.• In conclusion, the IWE Global Empower Her event was a resounding success, leaving a lasting impact on all participants. It stands as a powerful reminder that when visionaries unite for a common purpose, they can make a significant difference in empowering and uplifting women.

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