AIBC Victoria Hosts Annual Oration & Gala Dinner with Premier Jacinta Allan

Melbourne, 5 August 2024 – The Australia India Business Council (AIBC) Victoria Chapter successfully hosted its Annual Oration and Gala Dinner, a highlight event in the Australia-India bilateral calendar, with the Hon. Jacinta Allan, Premier of Victoria, as the keynote speaker.

The evening commenced with a traditional lamp lighting ceremony, symbolizing the dawn of new opportunities in the Australia-India partnership. Reet Phulwani, Head of AIBC Women in Business Chapter, and Rob Thomason, AIBC Victoria President, delivered the opening addresses, setting a tone of collaboration and shared vision.

Esteemed speakers included Mr. Gopal Baglay, High Commissioner of India to Australia; Nick Reece, Lord Mayor of Melbourne; Iain Martin, Vice Chancellor of Deakin University; and Ravneet Pawha, Vice President – Global Alliances and CEO – South Asia Deakin University, who also serves as AIBC National Vice Chair. Tim Thomas, CEO of the Centre for Australia India Relations (CAIR), also addressed the audience, further underlining the strength of the Australia-India relationship.

A special highlight was a Q&A session with Nick Hockley, CEO of Cricket Australia, moderated by Molina Asthana GAICD Asthana, National Chair for Sport, Art, and Culture. The session underscored the unifying power of cricket between the two nations, with two World Cup trophies won by Australia displayed prominently for photographs.

Cultural elements were woven throughout the evening, with a classical dance performance and the national anthems of both countries sung by a renowned opera singer, emphasizing the rich cultural ties that bind Australia and India.

In her speech, Premier Allan announced her forthcoming visit to India in September 2024, a trip eagerly anticipated by both the business and government sectors.

The event was well-attended by a diverse audience, including government officials, politicians, media representatives, sports industry leaders, university dignitaries, and business professionals. All the speakers highlighted the growing importance of the Australia-India relationship and the significant contributions of the Indian diaspora, with cricket as a recurring theme of mutual interest.

The evening was a resounding success, further strengthening the ties between Australia and India and showcasing the collaborative spirit that drives this important bilateral relationship.

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