Mahamahopadhyaya Bhadreshdas Swami Inspires more than 1000 Children in Australia to Learn Sanskrit

The BAPS Swaminarayan Research Institute in Australia is making significant strides in
promoting Sanskrit education among young students. Under the visionary leadership for
His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj, the spiritual leader of BAPS and direction of
Mahamahopahdyay Swami Bhadreshdas, the institute has successfully organised classes
for over 1000 children across the country, imparting the ancient language in a structured
and accessible manner.

This initiative is not only educating children but also fostering
multiculturalism, harmony, and respect between ancient cultures and the modern world.
Swami Bhadreshdas is a distinguished scholar and a revered spiritual leader within the
BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha. He has dedicated his life to the study and dissemination of
Sanskrit and Vedic knowledge. With a profound understanding of ancient scriptures and a
modern approach to teaching, Swami Bhadreshdas has been instrumental in bringing
Sanskrit education to the forefront by establishing the Australia Sanskrit Gurukul under the
banner of BAPS Swaminarayan Research Institute.

Swami Bhadreshdas holds multiple advanced degrees in Sanskrit and philosophy and has
authored numerous scholarly works. His contributions to Vedic literature and education
have been recognised globally, making him a respected figure in both academic and
spiritual communities. He has been conferred with a Doctor of Science from Institute of
Technology in India, Kharagpur and Doctor of Letters by Sardar Patel University in Gujarat.
Through his guidance, the BAPS Swaminarayan Research Institute has developed a
program that integrates ancient wisdom with contemporary educational practices.

The initiative to teach Sanskrit to children across Australia is a testament to the BAPS
Swaminarayan Research Institute’s, vision of preserving and promoting ancient wisdom.
The structured classes are designed to cater to different age groups, ensuring that the
language is taught in a manner that is both engaging and educational. These classes are
conducted by trained instructors who follow a curriculum that balances traditional
teachings with contemporary pedagogical methods.

This Sanskrit education program exemplifies how ancient cultures can coexist and thrive
within a modern, diverse community. By learning Sanskrit, children not only gain access to
a rich linguistic and cultural heritage but also develop a deeper appreciation for the
diversity that characterises Australian society.

This initiative promotes mutual respect and understanding among various cultural
communities. It encourages students to explore the profound philosophical and ethical
teachings embedded in Sanskrit literature, fostering values of tolerance, empathy, and
global citizenship. This program supports the broader goals of multicultural education and
social cohesion, demonstrating that ancient wisdom remains relevant in today’s world.

The classes highlight the timeless nature of Sanskrit literature, showing how its teachings
can offer insights into modern-day challenges. This perspective helps students respect
and value both their cultural heritage and the advancements of the modern world,
fostering a holistic view of human progress and development.

The response to this initiative has been overwhelmingly positive. Parents and children alike
have expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to learn Sanskrit, a language that is
often considered the root of many modern languages and a key to understanding ancient
Indian culture and philosophy. By providing this education, the BAPS Swaminarayan
Research Institute in Australia is not only preserving a crucial part of cultural heritage but
also enriching the lives of young students with profound spiritual and intellectual insights.

NSW Premier Hon Chris Minns upon listening to the recitation of Sanskrit verses at the
BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Rosehill on the 24th of July remarked that younger
generations learning Sanskrit will ensure that the ancient and melodic language thrives
for generations to come, “To see young Australian kids recite Sanskrit is wonderful. It’s
not an easy thing to do, but the BAPS community’s dedication to and understanding of
these ancient rites, scripts, and languages means that 100 years from now, the greatgrandchildren of the young kids here will be speaking the exact same tongue, preserving that culture and religion, and passing them on to the next generation.”

Through the dedicated efforts of Swami Bhadreshdas and the BAPS Swaminarayan
Research Institute, Sanskrit education is flourishing in Australia. This initiative reflects the
institute’s commitment to cultural preservation, educational excellence, and the
promotion of multicultural harmony. As more children join these classes, the legacy of
Sanskrit and the wisdom it carries continues to thrive, ensuring that future generations
remain connected to their rich heritage while embracing the values of a diverse and
inclusive society.

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