Revitalising health with sound therapy

By Dr T. Selva

Few practitioners stand out as much in holistic healing as Lou Van Stone, affectionately known as the Voice of the Goddess.

Last month, I had the extraordinary opportunity to attend one of her Sonic Alchemy for Mind, Body, Soul sessions in Melbourne.

This transformative experience left a lasting impression on me, showcasing the profound impact of sound, music, and vibration on overall well-being.

Lou, a celestial singer and sound healer, combines ancient traditions with modern sound therapy techniques, creating a unique and powerful healing modality.

Her sessions harness the therapeutic power of sound to promote physical, mental, and spiritual health.

During her session at the Mind Body Spirit Festival at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Lou moved to each participant, pausing briefly to sing with her eyes closed, her right hand hovering over their head and body.

The tightness from my long flight and travel eased almost immediately after her brief session with me.

She transported me to a different dimension, offering the soul a soothing and healing experience.

She also blew a flute to create healing soundscapes and urged everyone to dive deep into the subtle energy around them.

According to Lou, a renowned singer and composer, participants often experience clearing energy blocks and a restored energy balance.

Some of them teared up and felt a tingling sensation, while others got goosebumps during the session.

She intuitively knew where each person was experiencing aches, pain, and energy blocks.

Her ability to connect with and heal others through sound is truly remarkable.

Lou’s holistic practice is more than just a healing session; it’s a journey into the depths of one’s energy and consciousness, guided by her voice’s soothing and transformative power.

Her work is a testament to the incredible potential of sound therapy.

By blending ancient wisdom with contemporary techniques, she offered a holistic approach to healing that addresses the mind, body, and soul.

Her work is rooted in the belief that music can be a powerful tool for personal growth, healing, and spiritual awakening.

At the core of Lou’s practice is a deep belief in the healing power of sound and its ability to connect people to their true selves.

She views her work as a means to help individuals tap into their inner strength and achieve a balanced and harmonious state of being.

Her philosophy emphasised compassion, intuition, and a holistic approach to health and wellness.

Lou, from Sunshine Coast in Queensland, began her journey into sound therapy at an early age. Growing up, she was deeply influenced by the natural world and the harmonious sounds surrounding her.

Her innate musical talent and profound interest in the healing arts led her to explore various holistic practices, ultimately leading her to find her calling in sound healing.

Described by her fans as a Sonic Priestess and Shaman, she remains committed to promoting holistic well-being and helping individuals forge a deeper connection with themselves.

Her work is a powerful testament to sound and vibration’s profound impact on our lives.

Her sessions are a must-try for anyone seeking a deeper connection with themselves and a path to holistic well-being.

I returned home feeling satisfied and started my day by waking up to her Sonic Alchemy on Spotify.

Benefits and Effects of Sonic Alchemy

  • Deep relaxation: The sound vibrations help to quiet the mind and release stress, promoting a state of deep relaxation.
  • Emotional release: The harmonics and frequencies can help to release suppressed emotions, providing a cathartic experience for participants.
  • Energy balancing: The sounds are designed to balance the body’s energy centres, or chakras, which can enhance overall physical and emotional well-being.
  • Spiritual connection: Many people feel a deeper connection to their inner selves and greater spiritual awareness.
  • Holistic healing: Combining sound, meditation, and interactive exercises creates a holistic healing experience that addresses the mind, body, and soul.

Award-winning author Dr T. Selva is a speaker and writer of the bestseller book Vasthu Sastra Guide. To purchase a copy of the book, Whatsapp Devi at 0412623017. He can be contacted at Facebook: Vasthu Sastra

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