Sri Krishna Janmashtami and beyond – Cultivating a life-long connection with Lord Krishna

By Yamuna Sundari devi dasi

Krishna Janmashtami is a festival which celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna is the epitome of bliss and the all-attractive Supreme Personality of Godhead. As we express any happiness by a celebration, similarly the birth of Lord Krishna is also a joyous occasion for devotees all over the world.

Transcendental nature of Lord Krishna’s birth

Although apparently Lord Krishna takes his birth in the material world as the son of Devaki and Vasudeva, He declares in the Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 4 verse 7 and 8: “Although I am unborn and My transcendental body never deteriorates, and although I am the Lord of all living entities, I appear in My original transcendental form in every millennium. Whenever and wherever, there is a decline of religious principles, and a predominant rise of irreligion, O son of Bharata, at that time I descend myself.”

The Miraculous birth of Lord Krishna

The evil king Kamsa feared the prophecy that his sister’s eighth son would become the cause of his death. Kamsa imprisoned his own sister and killed all her newborn sons. However, when Lord Krishna appeared in His transcendental form, He was taken to the house of Nanda Maharaja where he grew up and became the source of bliss for the residents of Vrindavana. Lord Krishna’s childhood in Gokula is celebrated for his playful innocence. He charmed and attracted everyone with his unwavering affection and love for the devotees, His mischievous pranks, His strength in vanquishing the demons, and the nourishment His presence provided to everyone, including the birds, cows and other living entities.

Embracing the spirit of Janmashtami

Janmashtami embodies the essence of love, devotion, victory of righteousness and the power of divine knowledge. You could embrace the beauty of this festival by decorating your home, preparing special offerings, meditating on the divine pastimes of the Lord and sharing this joy of festivities with your friends, family and the community.

Spectacular Janmashtami Festival in Wyndham

You are invited to celebrate Sri Krishna Janmashtami with Wyndham Hare Krishna on the 27 th of August at the Westgate Stadium in Altona North. This festival would encompass a fabulous cultural program, elaborate deity worship, Balgopal Jhulan service, bhajans and kirtans throughout the evening, Special midnight Arati, feast Prasadam for the entire duration of the program, a dedicated kids play centre, Henna and face painting stalls and ample parking at the venue. So, join the festivities, embrace the spirit of Janmashtami, and create lasting memories for 2024!

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