Journey from normal to supernormal

By Ashwini Guruji of Dhyan Ashram

In times when world was inhabited by barbarians as per modern historians, vedic rishis were making discoveries which are yet to be made by modern science. Historic accounts narrate stories of men who engineered bridges which seem impossible to be constructed with human muscles, who brought down rains and rivers on earth, who created parallel universes, who travelled to the sun and the moon, who covered sun with clouds at will, who appeared and disappeared, who left their body at will…Rishi Kanad gave the Archimedes Principle 2500 years before Archimedes, Sulbasutras and Shatpath Brahman describe the Pythagoras theorem much before Pythagoras. Surya Siddhanta details the sizes and shapes, motions and distances of planets and stars to remarkable accuracy. Sushruta had mastered human body and performed surgeries like rhinoplasty.

How were the yogis and rishis able to achieve all this…thousands of years ago? What is it that limits ordinary men from doing the same? The brain for an ordinary person functions at an efficiency of 7-8%, which is sufficient for the functions of basic five senses. A human being however has 16 senses, which in turn are a function of the 92-93% brain that remains unutilized…it is this unutilized potential that was tapped into by the vedic masters through the science of yog. What they could do, so can you. The question is the right path…

Patanjali Yogsutras detail the various subtle and gross siddhis that come with practice of eight limbs of Ashtang Yog under the guidance of Guru. The basic siddhis of Vak Shakti (what you speak happens), prosperity and abundance, beauty, glow and magnetism lie come with the practice of yamas. Siddhis of clairaudience and clairvoyance are a part of the practice of the niyamas. Siddhi of immunity to all-weathers and environments and a steel-like body is achieved through asans, which are a posture in which you are still and at ease for long hours. Pranayams open the nadis for unrestricted movement of prana to higher brain centers and for awakening of Kundalini Shakti. The triple practice of dharana, dhyan and Samadhi, which is called as ‘samyam’ by Rishi Patanjali enables one to master whatever one focuses on – the strength of an elephant, the glow of sun, the beauty of moon, workings of internal organs, ability to become invisible and even weightless and more..

The science of yog unfolds in stages, first through elements, then consciousness and finally divinity. In Sanatan Kriya, one is introduced to the Paanch Mahaprana Dhyan to bring the elements in the body to a basic level of balance. As that happens, a practitioner’s ability of thought manifestation heightens. Gradually the practitioner is introduced to the practice of Bhuta Shuddhi or elemental purification, which has the effect of restoring the elements to their purest form. Once that happens, a person can access consciousness in its purest state and even manifest devs and devis into creation. In advanced stages, one is introduced to the practices of samyam on Surya, Chandra and Guru Shakti. Many researches have been conducted on these techniques by senior doctors and they are being practiced in reputed hospitals including the Indian Medical Association (IMA).

Embark on this amazing journey of yog – change your body, arrest the ageing process, and of course, never fall sick!

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