“NAMO hat-trick, but won’t be easy; Rahul Gandhi to fair be?er than before” – predicted by Sanjay B Jumaani

Narendra Modi’s third consecu1ve win as Prime Minister of India is not only a testament to his poli1cal acumen but also of the predic1ons made by Bollywood and Cricket world’s celebrity Astro-Numerologist, Sanjay B Jumaani and his son,

Aneesh S Jumaani.

Numerology and Modi’s Triumphant Run

The Jumaani’s, renowned for their precise predic1ons, had foreseen Modi’s victory long before it became apparent to others, in December 2023. According to them, numbers 1, 3, 5, and 6 are par1cularly favorable for individuals born under
the influence of number 8, like Narendra Modi, born on 17th September. The name ‘Narendra Modi’ adds up to 41 (reducing to 5, Mercury), which Jumaani’s note as crucial for his communica1on skills and leadership.

Modi’s victories in his 64th (1) and 69th (6) years, both aligned with these favorable numbers, highlight the accuracy of Jumaani’s insights. Because during both the previous elec1ons, NAMO was well placed with regards to his running
age, it was predicted way in advance that the victories could be considered ‘walkaways’ for him – which were accurate outcomes.

‘NAMO’s victory will not be a cakewalk this ?me’

Despite the widespread an1cipa1on of a BJP landslide, the father-son duo had predicted back in December 2023 that while Modi would win, it would not be an easy baZle, a forecast that proved accurate. It was repeatedly men1oned in their
YouTube predic1on videos as well as his Instagram posts that the win for Modi would ‘not be a cakewalk’! This predic1on was made considering the fact that the year 2024 adds to 8, which is not among NAMO’s luckiest of numbers.

Rahul Gandhi’s Unexpected Surge

Jumaani’s also correctly predicted Rahul Gandhi’s improved performance in this elec1on, way back on Gandhi’s birthday in 2023 (1/6). It was men1oned that this improvement would not be enough to secure the Prime Ministerial seat – a
predic1on that nobody else could foresee.

The exit polls were proved wrong – NAMO won, yet lost, whereas Rahul Gandhi lost, yet won – and this is exactly what was predicted by Sanjay B Jumaani. While the elec1on results were out on 4th June, Jumaani’s followers have known of their
predic1ons since last December itself!

A History of Accurate Predic?ons

Amongst such fascina1ng predic1ons, Sanjay B Jumaani is also known for predic1ng a phosphorous 2020 (4) due to China (which totals to 15, not adaptable with number 4). This predic1on was made way back in 2019, before anyone even knew about coronavirus. At the same 1me, Jumaani predicted that 2021 (5) would be the year of recovery and steady growth, and 2022 (6) would be the year of revenue.

It was recently also predicted by them that Kolkata Knight Riders would lic the ’24 IPL Cup acer 10 long years! This was owing to the fact that captain and another follower, Shreyas Iyer born on 9/12/1994 was in his lucky 30th (3) year as he is a
SagiZarian, and 3, 6 and 9 are considered a family of numbers.

SBJ and son, Aneesh, also predicted way back in 2023 that Gold would sizzle in ’24, and the rates subsequently sky-rocketed soon acer the predic1on. Geopoli1cal turmoil was also predicted for 2024, which can unfortunately be seen in the Israel-Pales1ne War.

Not only do several Indian cricketers follow Jumaani’s advice, but also USA captain Monaank Patel a double #1 (1+5+1993=1) wearing Jersey #1 , who scored a brilliant 50 becoming not only the man of the match but making the underdogs US write history on a day ruled by his lucky number 6 (Taurus ruler is 6, Venus), against a formidable team, Pakistan.

Sanjay B Jumaani’s blend of tradi1onal numerology and contemporary analysis con1nues to aZract respect. His insights into Modi’s poli1cal journey and broader predic1ons con1nue to emphasize the influence of Numerology.

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