The Festival of Chariots is coming to Liverpool again!

Save the Date: Saturday 13 July 2024, from 10.00 am

Over the last 15 years, Liverpool has been hosting this exciting event which attracts people from all
over Greater Sydney and as far as Newcastle. A fun day filled with colour, song, celebration and food
brings the community together in a spirit of harmony and peace. Please come and join us at Bigge
Park in Liverpool on 13 July at 10 am.

The day kicks-off in Bigge Park with our Mayor and local MPs inaugurating the festival. After some
music and dance performance, the moment for showcasing the chariot arrives.

The origins of Festival of Chariots, or also commonly referred to as the Ratha Yatra are described in
India’s ancient Vedic literature originating in the Orrisan city of Puri. It is now commonly referred to
as the Festival of Chariots after the famous “Hare Krishna Movement” founder-acharaya A.C.

Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada brought it to the west, with San Francisco being the first city
outside of India to host the Ratha Yatra in 1967. Since then, cities all over the world are celebrating
this ancient yet contemporary tradition which brings together people from different backgrounds,
regardless of their race, religion, colour or creed.

In Puri, the carts, containing the deities of Sri Jagannath, Baladeva and Srimati Subhadra Devi are
then pulled on long ropes by the festival goers for some miles to the Gundicha Temple and, after
nine days they are returned to their home in the Jagannath Temple. The British remarked at the
marvel of the unstoppable chariots and called it the juggernaut (after Jagannath) which explains the
origin of the word. Jagannath is no other than the world-famous Lord Krishna and His brother and
sister are manifested as Sri Baladeva and Srimati Subhadra Devi.

Here in Australia the Festival of Chariots has its origins in a great parade held in Melbourne in 1972.
This tradition has continued with many cities around Australia hosting the festival. In Liverpool, the
festival has been celebrated annually for the last 15 years. The sound of the kirtan, drums, cymbals,
singing and dancing on the streets of Liverpool city would be a familiar site for most of us. Customers
and shopkeepers pour out onto the streets to see the wonder. The large chariot dressed in colourful
canopies is pulled by festival goers from Bigge Park through Moore Street doing a short 45-minute
loop around the city, finishing back in Bigge Park for a FREE sumptuous hot traditional feast!

You all are welcome – free admission, free lunch and have a fun-packed day! Bring along your
friends and families.

For further information, contact:
Jitendra Diwakar (Govardhan Das) on 0411 952 551
President, Festival of Chariots
When: Saturday 13 July 2024
Where: Bigge Park, Bigge Street, Liverpool
Time: Starts from 10.00 am

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