An Inclusive World writes Sadhguru, Isha Foundation

We as a nation are on a threshold of an economic revolution, or so we believe because still there are many, many ingredients which are necessary for an economic revolution to happen in this country. We are just hoping against hope that it will happen. The numbers are very encouraging and beautiful numbers. 10% growth is a beautiful number but 10% of what, for one billion people? The whole nation’s input in the last year, the Foreign Direct Investment has been just 21 billion and we are a population of one billion. So 10% of what, are you talking about? You are talking big percentages but small numbers; it does not mean much for people. It will not make too much of a difference for a common man on the street. Yes, things will change but still an economic revolution which only about 3% of the population is actively participating in is not really a revolution. Unless larger numbers are involved, unless we make the economy more inclusive, unless it becomes an inclusive economy including larger sections of population, unless they are educated and trained and made fit to participate in the economic process, we are going to sit on the threshold forever, seeing it pass by. If you want to have an economic revolution, people should be empowered to participate.

For the first time in history, we as the world have the needed resources, technology and capability to solve all the basic problems of human population. Still we are continuing to live in situations where for over 40% of human population, the fundamentals of nourishment, health and education have not even been addressed, which has left a large segment of humanity crippled. Wars and basic apathy are robbing us of being a graceful and compassionate generation.

What we need immediately is a more inclusive world, more inclusive economics, and above all an all-inclusive human being. Nations should think beyond their borders, corporations beyond their short-term balance sheets, and individuals should feel and experience beyond their individual identity.

If we bring about meditativeness into today’s leadership – political, economic, or otherwise, it will help the leaders to see and act beyond the national, racial, religious, or any other identities of division. It is through the experience of inclusiveness that the necessary intention and action will happen beyond our limitations. Our present efforts are like that of an Australian aborigine who was gifted a new boomerang. The trouble was that he spent the rest of his life trying to throw the old one away. To make a difference for human lives and the other life around us, a deep sense of inclusiveness is crucial.

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Ranked amongst the fifty most influential people in India, Sadhguru is a yogi, mystic, visionary and a New York Times bestselling author Sadhguru has been conferred the Padma Vibhushan by the Government of India in 2017, the highest annual civilian award, accorded for exceptional and distinguished service.

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