The Awakening of the Third Eye

By Dr T. Selva

In the realm of spirituality, the “third eye” is a symbolic concept symbol of inner vision and consciousness, distinct from any physical organ.

Rooted in the philosophical traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, this notion finds resonance in discussions of the inner perception of an individual.

Often described as an energy centre or chakra between the eyebrows, the third eye promises to unlock heightened intuitive abilities, foster deeper insights, and expand one’s inner awareness.

Many seek to unlock the perceived advantages of an awakened “third eye” because its benefits are fulfilling.

I have personally engaged in workshops and retreats across New Delhi, Melbourne, Bali and Kathmandu, focusing on enhancing my intuitive abilities.

My journeys strengthened my instinct and offered various pathways, but I must remind pursuers that it is not an overnight transformation.

It requires dedication, discipline, and balance, and it starts with being in harmony with yourself first to attain the desired results.

For seekers who want to navigate this intricate path, it is crucial to remember that they are walking the fine line between spiritual exploration and personal belief.

The frequently asked questions about the third eye are how to activate it and its benefits.

Those with an awakened “third eye” do not exhibit peculiar behaviour; instead, they radiate serenity, exude a sense of bliss, and demonstrate ease in all situations.

One of the key benefits is that opening the third eye enhances one’s awareness and perception of the world, both physically and spiritually.

It is said that the third eye sees the actual world. It provides mental clarity and allows people to anticipate things accurately, even before they occur.

It can also lead to a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of all things and a deeper appreciation of the present moment.

The well-being benefits include easing frequent headaches and reducing overthinking, removing inspirational blocks and enhancing concentration.

To assist in awakening your third eye, try this exercise: gently incline your head at a 45-degree angle and engage in slow, deliberate breathing.

Stay in the position for about 15 minutes and as you do this, concentrate on the central point between your eyebrows. Perform this exercise daily when you wake up.

Here are ten tips on the benefits and pathway to opening the third eye.

  • Intuition:It can help individuals tap into their inner wisdom make intuitive decisions, and develop psychic abilities.
  • Spiritual awakening:It can facilitate a spiritual awakening or enlightenment. It is often seen as a path to greater spiritual insight, self-realisation, and a deeper connection to the divine or the universe.
  • Meditation:Opening the third eye is thought to improve meditation practices by allowing individuals to access deeper states of consciousness and insight. It may also help in achieving a state of inner peace and tranquillity.
  • Improved clarity and insight:People often experience improved mental clarity and the ability to see situations from a broader perspective after opening their third eye. This can lead to better problem-solving skills and decision-making.
  • Increased energy and vitality:Some practitioners believe activating the third eye can boost energy levels and promote physical and mental vitality.
  • Balanced chakras:The third eye is considered one of the chakras, and its opening is said to help balance the body’s energy centres, promoting overall health and well-being.
  • Boosted creativity: It is associated with increased creativity and the ability to think outside the box, which can benefit various aspects of life.
  • Yoga:Certain yoga poses, such as child’s pose and downward-facing dog, are believed to stimulate the energy in the third eye area.
  • Crystals:There are certain crystals, such as amethyst, lapis lazuli, or clear quartz, that can help in opening and activating the third eye when placed on the forehead during meditation.
  • Spiritual practices:Engaging in spiritual activities that encourage self-reflection, self-awareness, and personal growth can also indirectly support the development of intuitive abilities.

I want to remind readers that approaching the concept of opening the third eye requires an open mind, as the benefits of such an experience are inherently subjective and shaped by individual interpretations and personal experiences.

The journey typically involves a range of meditation and spiritual practices, and it’s important to acknowledge that not everyone will have identical results or enjoy the same advantages.

Before embarking on any practices associated with the third eye or spirituality, I strongly recommend that seekers seek guidance from experienced practitioners who can safely and responsibly assist them in achieving their goals.

Finally, maintaining a balanced perspective is essential for those who believe their third eye is open.

And it is also crucial to avoid becoming entangled in extreme or unrealistic expectations.

Award-winning author Dr T. Selva is a speaker and writer of the bestseller book Vasthu Sastra Guide and Secrets of Happy Living. To purchase a copy of the book, WhatsApp Devi at 0412623017. He can be contacted at Facebook: Vasthu Sastra; Website:

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