New Triple Zero app making it easier for kids to learn about emergencies

Teaching schoolkids what to do during emergencies such as floods, storms and tsunamis is the focus of a new program launched by the NSW State Emergency Service (SES).

The Triple Zero Kids’ Challenge uses online games, challenges, and school-based learning activities to deliver key safety messages about emergencies, including actions to take during one.

The challenge includes three new modules focusing on safety during emergencies, with lesson plans, learning activities, materials and resources provided to schools for each module.

The modules, which target children from kindergarten to grade two, have been developed with both national and state curriculums in mind.

The flood module examines the causes of floods, the dangers of playing in floodwater, and what to take if you need to evacuate.

The storm module focuses on the importance of preparedness and weather, while the tsunami modules look at warning signs, how tsunamis are monitored and what to do in one.

Game-based activities in the Triple Zero Kids’ Challenge engage children in key safety messaging, including what to pack in an emergency kit, the importance of bringing items inside from a yard, and potential dangers in floodwater.

The Triple Zero Kids’ Challenge App is available on Google Play and Apple App Store and will be rolled out across the state by NSW SES members.

All online modules and school resources are available free of charge. An online game platform for classroom play can also be accessed at

Minister for Emergency Services Jihad Dib said:

“As a former school principal, I know how helpful it is for resources to share important messages in an engaging way, and this is particularly useful when it comes to safety and emergencies.”

“Instilling safety messages from a young age makes it that much easier to build community awareness around things like storms and floods.”

“Not only does this new resource help teach kids about emergencies, but it might also mean they go home and share that message with their household, creating a ripple effect.”

NSW SES Commissioner Carlene York APM said:

“The Triple Zero Kids’ Challenge incorporates gaming activities that are linked with key safety messages and actions.”

“Children across the state will now have access to a comprehensive set of educational resources that focus on the core responsibilities of the NSW SES, keeping our communities safe during floods, storms and tsunamis.”

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