PAC makes a splash at Boomtown! infrastructure awards

Parramatta’s $88.6 million swimming, wellness and fitness hub has been crowned as Western Sydney’s top new sport and recreation facility at the Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue’s Boomtown! 2023 Property & Infrastructure Awards.

City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Cr Pierre Esber said it’s a credit to everyone involved in the project.

“PAC has only been open two months but is already making a huge splash in our community with 80,000 visits and more than 2,000 learn-to-swim registrations – and summer hasn’t even started yet,” Cr Esber said.

“It’s testament to the efforts of hundreds of people who have worked incredibly hard to bring our vision for this centre to life from first designs to first lap.”

PAC was named Outstanding Sports and Recreation Facility and was one of 12 finalists in contention for Boomtown’s Project of the Year.

Located within Parramatta Park on the doorstep of the CBD, PAC is a year-round destination where people can swim, train in the gym or relax in the steam, spa and sauna area.

“We are proud of PAC – a place where kids will learn to swim and train to be Australia’s next sports superstar and where families can relax on a hot day,” Cr Esber said.

“My grandkids have already been and always ask me ‘when are we going back for a swim?’ and I just know other families are being asked the same thing. If you haven’t been, pack your swimmers and come out for some fun.”

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