Is it the logic or magic in a marriage?

By Dr T. Selva

Finding a life partner is a deeply personal journey and the choices one makes vary significantly from person to person.

The quest to find a soulmate often takes various forms, and in India, one method gaining popularity is placing matrimonial advertisements in newspapers.

During my recent visit to Chennai, I was astonished to read matrimonial advertisements seeking someone special who offers a fascinating blend of “Maths” and “Magic” in the search for a compatible partner.

Individuals and families use the matrimony ads phenomenon to search for prospective partners for marriage.

They reflect the country’s diverse cultural, social, and economic landscape and are often based on a combination of practical considerations (“Maths”) and emotional connections (“Magic”).

The “Maths” factor symbolises the practical considerations that drive partner selection, highlighting the person’s monthly income, properties owned and financial stability.

The advertisements I read in The Hindu Daily carefully define criteria, including annual income, assets, education, occupation, ethnicity, age, height, skin tone, looks, prospects for migrating to the United States, and family history.

Compatibility in values, goals, and lifestyles is viewed as a mathematical aspect of a relationship because their shared values and long-term goals can contribute to a successful partnership.

Practical communication skills are also significant for resolving conflicts, understanding each other, and maintaining a healthy relationship.

However, the governing factor appears to be financial compatibility, including shared financial goals and responsible financial habits, which can be essential to avoid potential battles.

These standards often serve as filters to find a match with similar values, beliefs, and goals, and the ultimate aim is to ensure a stable foundation for a long-lasting relationship.

The “Magic” element of yearning for emotional connection and chemistry comes later.

These are the intangible qualities that make hearts flutter and souls resonate.

“Magic” represents the spark, the unexplainable pull towards someone who can turn ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.

Emotional compatibility, empathy, and the ability to provide emotional support during challenging times are considered magical qualities in a partner.

The matrimonial advertisements grace the pages of most Sunday newspapers and are crafted with care and accuracy, revealing the essence of a person’s aspirations.

The media has transformed into a platform for facilitating matchmaking, given the diminished opportunities for people to meet in person, mainly attributable to the prevalence of the work-from-home culture.

Frequently, during gatherings with family and friends, whether “Math” or “Magic” should take precedence in choosing a life partner becomes a topic of discussion and debate.

Some believe that the power of love to transcend the boundaries of logic and touch the realms of the heart, but many feel that priority should be given to the mathematical approach, which offers a more practical consideration.

While both facets play an intricate part in the decision-making process, the journey doesn’t conclude there because there is also the crucial step of performing a Vedic astrology compatibility check to strengthen the selection of the union.

It is believed that the alignment of celestial bodies at the time, date and place of a person’s birth can influence their personality, behaviour, and destiny.

Astrology is a vital piece which offers data and influences the decision-making in a marriage proposal and it is given considerable weight because it is based on predictive science.

Horoscope matching evaluates the similarity between two individuals, primarily focusing on fostering a harmonious, enduring marriage, facilitating the potential for offspring, and promoting strong cooperation.

The match-making check assesses various factors, including the positions of planets, birth stars (nakshatras), and doshas (astrological afflictions).

The aim is to determine whether the couple’s horoscopes align favourably or if there are potentially life-threatening and conflict areas.

By analysing the astrological charts of a couple, families will be able to gain insights into potential challenges and like-mindedness issues that may arise in a marriage. It is used as a tool for risk assessment.

Discovering a life partner whose values resonate with your own is often intricate, encompassing a blend of evaluations, assessments, and introspection.

People must balance pragmatic considerations, age-old wisdom, and intuitive bonds when forging a meaningful connection.


While “Math” provides an immediate sense of stability, “Magic” may seem elusive, with astrology offering a result-oriented roadmap for the future.


Award-winning writer Dr T. Selva is the author of the bestseller book Vasthu Sastra Guide and Secrets of Happy Living. To get a copy, contact 019-2728464. He can be reached at Facebook: Vasthu Sastra

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