Captivating sacred Riana goes beyond magic

By Dr T. Selva

Since ancient times, the attraction of spells and magic has fascinated the human imagination, evoking a deep yearning to connect with mystical forces and transcend the bounds of the physical world.

From the earliest civilisations to the present day, the belief in the usefulness and effectiveness of spells is found in various cultures and societies.

This charmed field continues to signal believers and sceptics alike, offering an opportunity to explore the uncharted territories of the supernatural and the extraordinary.

I embarked on my paranormal exploration journey when I was 19 to untie the enduring appeal behind spells and magic, delving into their origins, principles, and the deep impact they are said to have on human lives.

The perplexing force of the unseen enveloped me, revealing a vast array of clandestine knowledge across diverse belief systems and cultural traditions.

Privately, numerous individuals sought these secrets for healing and well-being, safeguarding against malevolent forces and negative energies, materialising their desires, and invoking love and attraction.

Over the last four decades, I have gone on extensive travels, encountering a diverse array of shamans, healers, priestesses, clairvoyants, psychics, and contemporary practitioners of mysticism from various corners of the world.

On July 15th, I was fortunate to step closer to mystery through the enigmatic Sacred Riana performances at the KLCC Plenary Hall in Kuala Lumpur.

Cloaked in secrecy, Riana appeared in her signature blood-red dress, adorned with unsettling makeup and hauntingly blank expression, her lengthy hair partially concealing her face.

There was an unmistakable aura of intrigue surrounding her every move.

Her presence seemed to transcend the boundaries of the living, drawing inspiration from the ghostly and the eerie.

Her hand and head twitched uncannily throughout her performance, adding an extra mystique to her act.

It was as if she had tapped into something beyond our understanding, evoking a sense of otherworldliness that sent trembles in those watching.

Clutching a doll named Riani, dressed in attire mirroring her own, she commenced her performance by randomly singling out members from the audience.

With scary precision, she accurately predicted a woman’s name and date of birth, leaving the crowd astounded.

But it didn’t stop there. Astonishingly, she revealed a drawing solely within the participant’s mind, leaving no doubt that her abilities transcended the ordinary.

The atmosphere crackled with amazement as she seamlessly weaved together her mystical talents, creating an experience that defied explanation and left us all in awe.

This created an atmosphere of fear and anticipation with an arsenal of bizarre and ghostlike themes and unnerving effects.

The hall was packed to the brim, and we were on the edge of our seats throughout the show because we were unsure of what we would witness next.

Adding to the frightening ambience, the emcee sent a shiver down our spines with his announcement that paramedics were on standby, ready to assist in case anyone encountered any unsettling situations.

The 31-year-old Indonesian illusionist maintained an unwavering haunting presence throughout her performance and spoke less.

She relied on weird gestures and expressions to communicate with her spectators, one of whom broke down on stage, and another shivered and hesitantly participated in her acts.

Using an Ouija spirit talking board, she placed the hand together of a participant and chanted something in a quavering and unclear voice, and their hands moved and spelt the name of the street the man was staying on.

One of the standout moments of Riana’s performance that evening was when she invited the audience to retrieve the items they had brought, given to them by their departed loved ones. She had requested it via a video recording weeks before the show.

The hall lights were extinguished without delay, enveloping the space in darkness and an unsettling atmosphere.

Riana then instructed us to hold the items from our departed loved ones in one hand and activate the touch lights on our mobile phones with the other.

She firmly believed in the possibility of communication between the living and the deceased, assuring us that we might sense their presence through these objects.

Whether it be the items becoming warm to the touch, carrying the familiar scent of our departed ones, or triggering a profound emotional connection, she encouraged us to be open to these potential signs.

In my possession, I carried an amulet presented to me by my late grandmaster, Dr Sataya Biswas, who tragically passed away during the COVID pandemic in India.

As the session progressed, the talisman inexplicably warmed up after a few seconds, and a rush of emotion overwhelmed me, causing tears to well up in my eyes.

Around me, I noticed a similar reaction: many broke down, their bodies covered in goosebumps and gently trembling.

It left an indelible impression on all of us, leading us to believe that Riana possessed a unique and extraordinary ability to connect with spirits or the departed.

The activity comforted us that the ones who love us never really leave us, but they watch over us.

Marie Antoinette Riana Graharani, known by her stage name Riana, rose to prominence following her mysterious performances on the talent show Asia’s Got Talent in 2017, ultimately securing victory in the competition.

While some spectators unfamiliar with the supernatural world view Riana’s magic as a charismatic display falling under the realm of stage magic and illusion, I departed from the show with a profound belief in the existence of a metaphysical plane.

To me, Riana transcends beyond magic.

Award-winning author Dr T. Selva is a speaker and writer of the bestseller book Vasthu Sastra Guide. To purchase a copy of the book, call Devi at 0412623017. He can be contacted at Facebook: Vasthu Sastra; Website:

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