Innovative project using ChatGPT in Job Search

Tuesday August 29, 2023

In a ground-breaking initiative aimed at supporting jobseekers, Navitas Skilled Futures (NSF) has
launched a project to help prepare and equip participants in the SEE (Skills for Education and
Employment) program with the latest digital tools that enables them to secure sustainable long-term

At the forefront of technological advancements, NSF is revolutionising the job application process by
empowering students to utilise Artificial Intelligence (AI), specifically ChatGPT, to support and
enhance their job-seeking activities.

The SEE program caters to individuals seeking employment and often requiring support in
foundational language, literacy, and numeracy skills. For this innovative project, 24 participants
ranging in age from their 30s to early 60s were assigned to develop their skills using ChatGPT to
create effective cover letters and resumes for job applications.

Over the course of three modules spanning seven hours, participants received comprehensive
training in leveraging ChatGPT’s capabilities to improve their written communication. The program
focused on honing their skills in FSKWTG006: Write simple workplace communication and
FSKOCM003: Participate in familiar spoken interactions at work.

The outcomes of the project were resoundingly positive, with participants demonstrating increased
confidence in using AI throughout their job search activities.

According to survey data:
 92% of participants felt more confident applying for jobs due to support by the AI platform.
 100% found ChatGPT a valuable tool for checking grammar and language usage in resumes.
 75% expressed confidence in generating cover letters independently and using ChatGPT to
ensure correct language usage before seeking support from their trainers.
 100% recognised AI as an excellent resource for interview preparation.
 92% expressed enhanced confidence in the job application process as a direct result of
having access to AI tools for support.
 100% expressed a desire for the integration of AI tools into the SEE program, recognising
their potential for transforming the job search experience.

One SEE student, Naila Siddiqui, shared her experience with the project after she enrolled in the
program to refresh her digital knowledge and explore the latest developments in AI. She explains,

“My goals were to prepare myself for job applications, increase my confidence level, get ready for
job interviews and to update my resume and cover letter.”

Naila is actively looking for jobs within office administration and currently uses websites like SEEK,
while keeping an active eye out for job opportunities. “The job search process has been a bit
challenging for me because I am looking for something near my suburb and part time, considering I
have a 9-year-old child. Finding something suitable has been a bit difficult.”

She credited the AI course within the SEE program as most beneficial in enabling her to utilise
ChatGPT to effectively modify her resume and cover letter. The course provided valuable guidance
on interview preparation, improved her spelling and sentence formation, and sparked her creativity
in letter writing.

Naila expressed gratitude for the SEE program, as it revitalised her digital skills, which she had not
used since raising a family, and motivated her to take proactive steps in her job search. “[This course]
has taught me how to write formal emails and tailored cover letters for specific job applications and
it has motivated me to move forward,” says Naila.

While Naila continues her search for a suitable position, she remains inspired by the SEE program’s
impact on her digital skills, and now eagerly seeks further opportunities to participate in digital
courses. She also expressed interest in refreshing her MYOB skills, demonstrating her determination
to stay current and adaptable in an evolving job market.

The Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program is funded by the Australian Government.

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