Support Sydney’s First Hindu School!

Happy 77th Independence Day to everyone – may Maa Bharati achievegreater heights in this Amrit Kal! Chandrayan-3 landing was a landmark event – and hope many of you got to see it live, or in the morning!

On May 23, 2023, the Indiandiaspora, together with over 250 community organisations, celebrated AustraliaWelcomes Modi event with remarkable flair. This gathering united Indian and Australian Prime Ministers and marked a milestone in our community’s journey.

The time is now, and we havethe extraordinary opportunity to create a legacy by embedding ancient Hindudharma into the modern NSW mainstream educational curriculum. As discussedat the event, Hindu Education and Cultural Centre is aspiring to startAustralia’s first Hindu school following NSW curriculum.

Our vision includes anindependent school, cultural centre, early learning centre, and library where Vedic and Agamic wisdom intertwines with cutting-edge technology.

We are humbly requesting eachof you to become part of this historic even by joining the Bhoodan Yagna. Youresteemed contribution of $3000 or its multiples will go towards securing onesquare meter of land. YOU can become part of this groundbreaking initiative.

Together, we will plant theseeds of inspiration for a peaceful world so that it flourishes as a vastbanyan for aeons to come. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will establish aninstitution that nurtures Yoga, meditation, classical music, arts, and multilingualismin Sanskrit, Tamil, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Kannada, Telugu and otherglorious languages based on need. Why now because such an endeavour has neverbeen attempted before on the golden Australian soil of ours.


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