Calling All Voices: Embrace Diversity in Our Multicultural Framework – Submissions Now Open!

The Albanese Labor Government is delivering on its commitment to build a stronger multicultural Australia, announcing today that submissions for the Government’s Multicultural Framework Review are now open.  

The Albanese Government is calling on all Australians to submit their views on what our national approach to multiculturalism could look like, to ensure no one is left behind and everyone feels that they truly belong.  

For the first time, the Department of Home Affairs will be able to receive submissions in all languages, including in writing, via audio or video recording on the Review website 

The Review will consider the institutional arrangements and policy settings at the Commonwealth level to ensure they advance a multicultural Australia, support our cohesive and inclusive multicultural society, and are fit for purpose in harnessing the talents of all Australians.   

The Review coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Whitlam Government’s 1973 report ‘A Multi-cultural Society for the Future’, which marked the birth of contemporary multicultural Australia.  

Community organisations and members of the public can make their submissions via the Review website until 29 September 2023. Submissions will help inform the findings and recommendations in the final report to the Albanese Government.  

Quotes attributable to Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, the Hon Andrew Giles MP:  

“Multiculturalism has been instrumental to Australia’s success over the last 50 years and will continue to be one of the key forces shaping our nation. We must ensure that we have the right policies and institutions to meet the needs of our increasingly diverse society.  

“We want to hear from a range of voices sharing their lived experiences, their views on what is working well and what could be improved to advance our multicultural nation. The Government has prioritised accessibility to a variety of languages and cultural groups so that everyone, no matter what language they speak, can have their say.”  

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