Maintain your distance from toxic individuals

By Dr T. Selva

Navigating negative energy in a house and encountering toxic individuals can be quite demanding.

When the balance between our external environment and our internal state is disrupted, it can significantly affect our overall sense of well-being.

Although it may be difficult to shield ourselves from these destructive forces completely, we possess the power to prevent them from exerting control over our lives.

Remember, we can shape our responses and manage these situations to safeguard our inner peace and harmony, even in challenging circumstances.

By acknowledging that we cannot entirely escape such influences, we can focus on the aspects we can control.

We can cultivate positivity, resilience, and self-care practices to counteract the negative energies surrounding us.

Through mindful actions and intentional decisions, we can create a sanctuary within ourselves, shielding our inner world from the impact of external disharmony.
How would you know if there is a negative force in your space?

The ancient science of architecture, Vasthu Sastra, points out that the early sign of destructive energy in space are health problems, low esteem and anxiety among the dwellers.

Poor Vasthu orientation can influence the occupants on their physical, emotional, and spiritual health, particularly in the improper placement of the kitchen, bedrooms and bathrooms and more.

Damaging energy can come from many sources, such as clutter, broken objects, or an imbalance of the five elements of fire, earth, water, air and ether.

The hostile layout of a house can also affect the flow of energy and, in turn, the well-being of its occupants.

For example, a house with much dead space, such as long hallways or dark corners, and governed with black, grey and dark blue colours can create a sense of isolation and loneliness.

Equally, a house with an open or spacious floor plan can encourage social interaction and a sense of community.

Negative energy can also be caused by electromagnetic fields (EMF) from electronic devices such as Wi-Fi routers, cell phones, computers and electrical gadgets.

Exposure to these fields over a period of time can cause headaches, fatigue, and other health issues include fatigue, including irritability, depression.

In severe cases, such energy can lead to physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and muscle tension. It is recommended that they are disconnected from the wall plugs.

Another source of depressing energy is coming in contact with toxic or harmful people who can be visitors, colleagues or even family members.

People who are constantly negative, critical, or judgmental can create an atmosphere of tension and hostility.

This type of source can be incredibly detrimental to children, who may absorb the unhelpful attitudes of their parents.

Addressing this matter in the home is vital by limiting exposure to unenthusiastic people and being selective about whom you invite to your home.

Establish boundaries and communicate them calmly but firmly, which may mean limiting your interactions with them or cutting them out of your life altogether.

Let the person know what you will and won’t tolerate regarding their negativity and how it affects you.

Be assertive in protecting your energy and surround yourself with positive and supportive people instead.

Undertake things that make you happy and bring positivity to your life, including music, books, art, carpentry or being in the company of children.

Counterbalance the pessimism by consciously focusing on the positive aspects of your life. Maintain a gratitude practice, surround yourself with positive influences, and engage in activities that uplift your mood.

Practise gratitude and take time each day to reflect on the things you are thankful for, no matter how small they may seem.

Cultivate a sense of inner peace and detachment from their negativity, focusing on your growth and happiness instead.

Taking care of yourself is crucial when dealing with negative energy, including exercise, meditation, or doing things you enjoy.

Combating negative energy takes time and effort, but you can create a more favourable environment with persistence.

Award-winning author Dr T. Selva is a writer of the bestseller book Vasthu Sastra Guide. To purchase a copy of the book, call Devi at 0412623017. He can be contacted at Facebook: Vasthu Sastra; Website:

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