Manoj Bajpayee: Meeting the Great Banda!

Inspired by true events, this is the story of PC Solankia high court lawyer, who single-handedly fought an extraordinary case for the rape of a minor under the POCSO act. The film is a depiction of the battle between an ordinary man’s willpower and power of a self-styled godman. As the film is Streaming now on ZEE5Global! Indus Age spoke to the actor in an exclusive interview. Read on…

By Nidhi Kumari

How do you look at the love people have for you and they have so much of expectations?

You know even if the people are expecting a lot from me let me assure them that since so many years I have been at it without trying to compromise on anything. I love my job. I love what I do. There is nothing bigger than that in my in my life, so be rest assured that even if I fail,  I’ll fail royally.

What are the important factors for you while saying “yes” to a film? One one side, we have “Sirf Ek Banda Kaafi Hai” and on the other side, we have “Joram,” which will also premiere at the Sydney Film Festival, where your role is so intense and heart-wrenching.

When I work, I I’m completely focused on what I am doing at that point of time, and I don’t like any kind of disturbance coming from inside or outside. I cut myself off. The outside world doesn’t exist; it’s only the shooting for the film and me, and the preparation for the character; that’s how one can achieve these difficult roles and difficult scripts. They are not easy as you give your sweat and blood and your time to it. When you watch over them, you’ll realize what it means to do that kind of a film.

What do you want the audience to take away from “Sirf Ek Banda Kaafi Hai”?

What you will take away is the courage and the goodness (smiles).

(Also watch: )

You have really embraced the OTT platform, do you think it has the potential to replace theatre and that theatrical experience?

Look, OTT has the potential but the thing is that not many people can afford a 72 inches TV, right? or a projector, so OTT has many advantages to it and little bit of limitation. Also, similarly, theatres  have been existing for 100 years now. Also, there is a difference between watching a film at home and watching a film in a theatre, but what OTT has done is that it has given a nice option to people which is physically very comfortable and economically quite viable. But the things which you can enjoy in theatre, you must go and watch it in theater and then come back and watch it on OTT, and you’ll find the difference between the two. But for us, it’s more the media, the better it is. It is for all of us.

You have done varied characters, is there any genre that you feel you still need to explore?

When I’m reading a script, I never decide looking at the genre. I decide on the basis of the script and the character and the director. I think, I’ve done many of it. I can’t remember which genre I haven’t done, but if there is anything that is left, one day I’ll definitely do it.

 Since you are a veteran, a versatile actor, what is your message to aspiring actors of today?

There’s no message. Who am I to give them any kind of advice or lesson? For that matter, every life is different; every life’s journey is different; all I would say is that—if you believe in your dream, just stick to it; you stick to it and it will get realized one day.

Last but not the least what do you want to say something to the people of Australia?

Australia is a beautiful country. I’ve been to many places in Australia. I’ve been to the beaches, the barbecues, the hotels, the restaurants; I have met the lovely people. I have received two Awards in Australia which is a feather in my cap—the most beautiful feather in my cap, and the best thing about Australia is the terrain. It offers such varied landscapes and it’s huge. (smiles).

Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi: Rating ****

It is Manoj Bajpayee’s flawless and natural acting that bring Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaaf to life. The fast-paced turn of events laced with powerful performances will keep you hooked to your seat.

In the last scene of the film, before the final verdict is passed, Bajpayee’s dialogue delivery, in one breath, will move you  to the core. This film should be a must watch in your list.

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