Spinal Health Week: New data reveals headaches hit 79% of Australian households

Are you one of the 65% of Australians who suffer headaches? Tomorrow, Monday 22nd May is the start of Spinal Health Week (22 – 28 May 2023), the annual national campaign conducted for over 25 years by the Australian Chiropractors Association to improve the spinal health and wellbeing of Australians of all ages.

2023 is focusing on headaches; what causes them, how they impact Australians and how sufferers can take back control from the negative effects headaches are having on families, workers and businesses, which according to Deloitte is costing the Australian economy over $35.7B annually.

More Australians suffer migraines (4.9mil) or tension-type headaches (7m) than diabetes, epilepsy and asthma combined costing the Australian economy over $35.7B annually.

To launch Spinal Health Week, new data from an independent survey of over 1000 respondents from across Australia on the “Impact of Headache In Australia” has been released which includes astounding results:

¤  65% of Australians adults suffer headaches.

¤  79% of Australian households reported headaches

¤  75% of Australian women suffer headaches compared to 54% of men

o   59% of female and 54% of male sufferers experience headaches every week

o   84% of headache sufferers are working aged Australians (18-60yo)

o   40% of headache sufferers reported headaches impacting their ability to work

¤  Stress is the leading trigger for 70% of headache sufferers.

¤  71% of sufferers also reported spine-related pain (neck/shoulder/back pain)

o   Cervicogenic (neck related) headaches are caused by neck and spinal problems

o   Tension headaches and migraines can be triggered by neck and spinal problems

State % Households With Headaches % Individual  Who Suffer Headaches
ACT 82% 77%
NSW 81% 67%
NT 56% 44%
QLD 77% 62%
SA 75% 63%
TAS 73% 59%
VIC 81% 64%
WA 79% 65%

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