NSW labor commits $3.75 million towards a home for Hindus in Sydney

A NSW Labor Government will provide $3.75 million towards the establishment of a Hindu Cultural and Education Centre – a home for Hindus in Sydney.

The funding will be provided to the Hindu Council of Australia (HCA) to help plan and establish the new facility to be located in Sydney’s northwest.

The proposed Centre will meet the administration needs of the HCA and other Hindu organisations and provide a venue for community meetings and events.

Activities planned for the Hub include yoga classes, dance, music, seniors gatherings, counselling and indoor games.

The educational activities planned for the Centre include community language lessons as well as the training of Hindu Chaplains and Special Religious Education teachers.

The Hindu community has also identified a need for a library and storage area where important cultural, educational and religious materials can be kept and accumulated for future generations.

As a first step, a NSW Labor Government will provide $250,000 to the HCA for a business case to confirm the community’s needs and to obtain the professional advice required to plan a successful project.

The additional $3.5 million will be reserved for the acquisition of a suitable premises once the business case has been completed.

The commitment is part of NSW Labor’s Fresh Start Plan to support faith communities right across the State,
Quotes Attributable to Chris Minns, NSW Labor Leader “The Hindu community needs a home – and that home should be in Sydney’s northwest.”

“The proposed Hindu Cultural and Education Centre will become the epicentre of activity for people of the Hindu faith in New South Wales.

“NSW Labor has always been the champion of our multicultural and multifaith communities, and we look forward to working with the HCA on this project if we form Government after the election.”

Quotes Attributable to Surinder Jain, National Vice President Hindu Council of Australia “The establishment of a Hindu Cultural and Educational Centre in Sydney is an exciting project which will deliver lasting benefits to every one of the Hindu faith in New South Wales.

“It will support the work of the many Hindu community organisations and temples in New South Wales.”

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