IABCA 2023 celebrates a decade of sustained engagement

A global platform that honours & strengthens the India-Australia Relationship through our People-to-People Links – 13 -17 February 2023 | Mumbai I Delhi

In 2023 India Australia Business & Community Alliance entered its 10th Year.

To mark this milestone, IABCA in collaboration with Australian High Commission New Delhi, Austrade, our state government partner, Investment NSW, Education Partner Deakin University and Renewable Energy Partner Suzlon Energy Australia, established an international footprint by delivering its inaugural IABCA Showcase in India, across a five-day India Immersion Program, welcomed by both governments from 13 -17 February 2023.

Following the recent ratification of the Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (ECTA), IABCA will be a biennial initiative, taking place across our two nations. Since 2014, IABCA has connected over 1500 Alumni and engaged with over 20,000 across our two nations. The 2024 iteration of IABCA will take place in Australia.

On 15th February 2023, IABCA in New Delhi will welcome international and national industry leaders at the Global Leaders Forum and the Awards Ceremony, one-of its largest gathering of its one-week business delegation. With 40 business delegates from diverse sectors and the Diaspora travelling from Australia, the 2023 iteration of the IABCA Showcase will bring together a publicly accessible array of panel discussions and international in-person keynote sessions.

The Forum will highlight roadmaps for continued growth across the people-to-people, economic and institutional engagements that bind India and Australia. Speaker details and registration to the in-person event is complimentary at IABCA 2023 –https://www.iabca.com.au/iabca2023

The IABCA Awards Ceremony will honour bi-lateral success stories and share journeys of key players who are advancing the Australia India relationship.

Winners will be unveiled across twelve categories at the ceremony. IABCA stands as one of the largest Alliance platforms that exists to strengthen and navigate Australia’s relationship with India. Having achieved international recognition as a tool for cultural diplomacy and bilateral trade enhancement, the platform stimulates new business investment between the two nations.

IABCA has been featured as a case study in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade IES2035 and the 2022 Australia’s Indian Diaspora: A National Asset – Mapping the Community’s Reach into the Australia-India Economic Relationship, the platform is currently on the cusp of unprecedented development and recently had the opportunity in Australia, to host Shri Piyush Goyal, Indian Minister of Commerce & Industry, Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution and Textiles in collaboration with DFAT.

IABCA are pleased to have support from a diverse range of public and private organisations who are committed to advancing the India-Australia relationship.

IABCA extends their deepest appreciation to, State Government Partner, Investment NSW, Education Partner, Deakin University, Renewable Energy partner, Suzlon Energy Australia PTY LTD and Sponsors, Cricket Australia, HomeWorld and Incredible India.

The success of IABCA in part is also thanks to its Alliance partners, Australia India Institute, Australia India Business Council, Australia India Youth Dialogue, Australian India Chamber of Commerce, Advance.Org, Export Council of Australia, Indo- Australian Chamber of Commerce and Invest India. Media partner, Indus Age. IABCA is produced by Gandhi Creations, a multi-award-winning events enterprise based in Australia.

Be part of the IABCA Journey and share your stories visit https://www.iabca.com.au/

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