Long-term Loving Relationship…How?

By Rrajesh Kothari

February – The month of Love. All of us want a loving relationship in our life. The center point of personal relationships is maintaining a love for lifelong. But is this really possible? Sometimes, some couples may experience bitterness in their relationship as a result, members associated with the relationship get stressed, anxious that may cause mental and physical health issues. If someone wants to revive the relationship, it needs a lot of time and effort but still, chances of success are very slim. In the end, when it is not going in the right direction, the relationship ends with break-ups and divorce.

Let us understand first, the reasons for the disturbed relationships. After years of experience in the Handwriting analysis and counselling of numerous individuals, I have figured out some common causes of disputes in relationships.  First of all, Anger makes the other person sad and hurt. The second one is Resentment, which is a kind of anger, but the form is different. It is a cause of small-small incidents that develop resentment. Next are liars and untrustworthy people. All these are interconnected; lie affects the trust you have in the relationship. If a person tells lie to loved ones, then it obviously affects the foundation of the relationship. The last two are sarcasm and dominance; these two traits hurt the other person emotionally and mentally. That may also cause resentment and anger. So, all these traits are interconnected that affects the relationships.

In handwriting analysis, we can easily check all these traits and check the compatibility of two individuals and if any such problematic trait is present then we can overcome it. This way we can solve the spousal relationship and even any family conflicts.

On the other hand, I have listed some positive traits that help to maintain a loving relationship and you can say pillars of relationships. It involves honesty, flexibility, a broad mind, being a good listener, being emotionally expressive, romantic and having a strong physical drive.  Honesty makes the relationship stronger while flexibility and a broad mind keep the relationship smooth and harmonious. Most of the issues are because of misunderstanding and poor listening ability. But if a couple listens to each other’s needs and thoughts then there is no chance of creating any issues. Romance, emotionally expressive and strong physical drive, these three are prime traits to keep a loving relationship recharged and re-energized. It is recommended to get a personality analysis and compatibility check before getting married.

This valentine, get your and your soulmate’s handwriting analysis done and do the compatibility check before taking any decision in life. If you are facing any spousal issues and want to revive the relationship then take the help of Grapho-therapy, we will help you to bring back love in your life.

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