Rendezvous with the world-renowned Tibetan spiritual leader, Dalai Lama

By Dr. T Selva

I write this column with complete bliss because I just returned after having a rear audience with the 14th Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India.

The world-renowned Tibetan spiritual leader stroked my head, pinched my cheek and held my hand firmly as part of his blessings.

His message to me was: “Peace must prevail, and peace must start within.”

The welcome I received on Nov 25th appeared as he remembered me from our last meeting in October 2007 when I attended his first class on Lord Buddha’s teaching.

This time, I made my way to his abode in Mcleodganj, located 2,082m high on the Himalayas range, after learning about his two-day teaching on the “Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way.”

A request was made for a private audience with the Dalai Lama a few weeks before my trip because I wanted to get a special meeting from his holiness to grace my to-be-published book, “Secrets of Happiness.”

After going through metal detector screens and body searches similar to airport security checks, I was allowed into the Tibetan temple ground.

Over 100 people, mostly South Koreans, were waiting in a long queue to meet him, and I was last in the line in the heavily guarded place.

But about ten minutes before Dalai Lama, 87, arrived, his aides plucked me out of the line and made me the first three persons to meet him. No reasons were given as to why I was given priority.

I bowed with my clasped hands in prayer and respect when I came face to face with the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

He displayed warmth and comfort and gripped my hand firmly, and I felt like he was transferring his energy to me. It made me a lot lighter and happier.

I had several questions in my mind, but they were stuck in my throat because I couldn’t imagine being in his close presence.

His energy and aura emanated were peaceful, fulfilling and transforming.

My meeting was brief and concluded with a photo session taken by his official photographer.

Before I left his space, his senior monks gave me a red holy string and the precious Mani Ribu pills for healing mental and physical problems and for protection.

The extremely rare tiny herbal pills carry the lineage of lamas’ blessings and are only presented to guests with an audience with the Dalai Lama.

The Dalai Lama left Tibet in 1959 and India permitted him and his followers to establish a “government-in-exile” in Himachal Pradesh.

China considers the Dalai Lama a political exile bent on establishing an independent Tibet, an accusation he has repeatedly denied.

India regards him as the Head of State, and the security he enjoys is similar to one given to a prime minister.

His two-day teaching attracted 5,000 people from 65 countries at the Tsuglagkhang, the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamsala.

Dalai Lama spoke on the power of love, compassion and selflessness.

“When we are more dedicated to the well-being of others, our heart and mind will be relaxed and we will feel free mentally.

“This will help us to develop inner strength. We should also do good for others because it will bring happiness to us,” he said, adding that it does not matter which religion one follows because all faiths promote peace to the world.

He urged people to remove negative emotions like hatred, anger and envy because they will not bring calmness to mind.

“By creating peace within our mind, we will be able to enjoy good health and long life,” he said.

“All eight billion people in the world today are seeking happiness and not suffering, but our unruly minds create friction between us.

“What disturbs our peace of mind is attachment and greed, anger and hatred. There is much talk about peace in the world, but it has to be rooted in peace within ourselves,” he said.

His teachings promoted human values and conveyed a message about happiness in a material world.

Wisdom in his thinking comes through clearly as he shares; his words are filled with common sense and realism.

His discourse was interpreted in English and several other languages live on the radio, and the entire town reached a standstill during his teaching.

I returned from Dharamsala with a heavy heart because I felt I was leaving my home, the mystical land of the Shangri-la.

Dr T. Selva is the author of the bestseller book Vasthu Sastra Guide and the first disciple of seventh-generation Vasthu Sastra Master Yuvaraj Sowma in Chennai. To get a copy of the book, call Devi at 0412623017. He can be contacted at Facebook: Vasthu Sastra; Website:





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