Food for love

By Dr T. Selva

What you eat can help promote a blissful marriage and a strong connection with your spouse.

Since the early days, many types of food have been celebrated for their aphrodisiac properties.

Often readers ask how to improve their sensual pleasures following Vasthu Sastra, which stresses harmonious relationships as the foundation of a fruitful marriage.

While Vasthu recommends the bedrooms in a house’s southwest, south or west quadrants as favourable locations to promote marital bliss, it does not cover the lovemaking positions.

However, information on this can be found in Kamasutra, the Teachings on Desire from India, which focuses on the three mains of life: virtue (Dharma), prosperity (Artha) and love (Kama).

People, particularly those in the west, consider the science of Kamasutra as a sex manual and an amusing matter that only involves suggestive sexual positions.

But the true meaning of Kamasutra goes beyond that; it highlights the sacred union of the masculine and the feminine cosmic principles.

According to the study, if Tantra (a branch of Indian spiritual studies), sex is the cause of the creation and manifestation of the universe.

Research has revealed that since the days of yore, the quickest to stir the desire for sex is by consuming certain types of food and those that use selected spices.

Nutrition plays a vital role in courtship and bonding, and the quality of one’s diet has a great deal to do with the quality of a conjugal relationship.


In the Indian canon of philosophy, for instance, milk and almonds are served to newlywed Hindu couples because they can arouse sexual appeal.

Elders feel a good sex life doesn’t just happen – it requires some help which means a balanced diet.


Although secret recipes are not discussed openly, mothers advise their daughters on the importance of the specific type of nuts, fruits, vegetables and meals for their health and reproductive system.

Sex, in the Indian context, is not just a pleasure-seeking activity; traditionally, you are expected to have sex mainly to produce children and continue the bloodline.

Also, in the Hindu system of early times, a marriage union that had not been blessed with a child was considered an incantation.

To avoid this, every woman who leaves her family home after her wedding carries secret recipes handed down to her by her mother, designed to produce offspring and increase love and affection.

It cannot be ignored that certain nutrients have the power to regulate the levels of sex hormones, and some can even help protect the reproductive system.

Food that can bond couples closer.

  • Carrots: Male stimulant.
  • Vanilla: Increases lust.
  • Garlic:Stirs sensual desires.
  • Raspberries: Promotes physical passion.
  • Nutmeg:Increases desire in women.
  • Asparagus: Encourages a healthy sex life.
  • Fennel: Promotes bodily enhancement.
  • Spirulina: Enhances stamina and sexual powers.
  • Celery: A fantastic source of sexual stimulation.
  • Coriander: An appetite stimulant for both sexes.
  • Moringa pod (drumstick): Generates sexual interest.
  • Basil: Stimulates the sense of sex and boosts fertility.
  • Avocado: Can help increase sex drive in both men and women.
  • Aniseed:Popular culinary use and has the power to increase desire.
  • Mustard: Believed to stimulate the sexual glands and increase desire.
  • Pomegranate: Long regarded as a symbol of affection and amorous intentions.
  • Oysters: High in zinc, which raises sperm production and get both partners in the mood.
  • Bananas: A good source of potassium and B vitamins increases the body’s overall energy levels.
  • Almonds: All nuts are a prime source of essential fatty acids, providing the raw material for a man’s healthy production of hormones.
  • Tongkat Ali root: Touted as the next herbal “Viagra” and has been found to promote sex urge in both men and women.
  • Saffron: Contains aphrodisiac compounds, and in ancient times, every member of the royalty drank a glass of milk blended with saffron and pistachios before going to bed.

Award-winning author Dr T. Selva is a speaker and the author of the bestseller book Vasthu Sastra Guide and the first disciple of seventh-generation Vasthu Master Yuvaraj Sowma in Chennai. To purchase a copy, call Devi at 0412623017. He can be contacted at Facebook: Vasthu Sastra; Website:


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