Lighting Up the World

Most of the time, people get caught up in the problems that exist right now. It is not that we should ignore the problems, we should not just close our eyes and wish them away – they will not go away – but if you get attached to the problem, you are the problem. You will not let the problems go because you feel your salvation, your satisfaction and pleasure depends on the problem. Once you start enjoying the problem, you are somehow constantly wishing there must be a problem in the world. Otherwise, what will you do?

But if every human being can light up within himself, if every human being becomes a solution by himself, so that he does not create any problems, neither for himself nor anybody around him, then we do not have to go about solving problems anymore. We have to think how to light up the whole world because that is the ultimate solution. “Oh, that looks like a pipedream!” – No, it is not. It is just that such possibilities have not been offered on a large scale till now; only in small proportions it has happened in the world.

What does lighting up the world mean? When you are looking at your life only as a survival process, discrimination is a must. If you walk out on the street, you are like any animal in the forest, constantly looking who is okay, who is not okay, where is the danger, where is a friend, where is an enemy. If you live in that condition, survival gets taken care of. But if this discriminatory process exceeds its limits, everything in the existence becomes regimented.

All the polarities in the existence are essentially created by your mind. If you transcend the limitations of your logical mind, suddenly there are no polarities – there is one exuberant existence. Transcending the limitations of the discriminatory mind traditionally is referred to as samadhi – that means you have attained to an equanimous state – you have become one-eyed. Once you have become one-eyed, you see everything alike.

If you have become one-eyed, you will see you will light up; otherwise you will remain a blind person for the rest of your life. If you are looking for an external light source, you will always remain a beggar. Unless the source of light becomes within you, you will always be at somebody’s mercy. You will always feel inadequate. The idea of walking the spiritual path is to go beyond that inadequacy.

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