Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up!!!

Pradeep Kumbhar’s journey as a runner started in the year 2011 in a 6 km dream run at Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon. Since then there has been no looking back. This dream run ignited the passion for running and very soon Pradeep Kumbhar got addicted to running in Marathons. He soon progressed from a number of half marathons to Full Marathons. Then he went on to completing Ultra Runs. He ran the 160 KMS Ultra Intercity Run with Milind Soman. This followed by 12 and 24 hours stadium runs covering a distance of over 100 kms. This did not satisfy him. He wanted to push his limits and wanted to aim for something bigger. He started his training for a Duathlon and successfully completed one. This soon progressed in to Triathlon training. In the year 2018, Pradeep Kumbhar started training for the Iron Man Malaysia event.  However, destiny threw a challenge towards Pradeep Kumbhar. He met with an accident due to which he lost his right leg and severely injured the left one. But this did not affect the strong will and determination of this warrior. From the way the rest of the story unfolds, it only made him more focused and strong willed.
After a long hospitalization and over 8 months of rehab, the warrior rises with renewed goals and an unwavering inner strength. During his rehab, instead of complaining or feeling bad about his condition, Pradeep Kumbhar identifies a support network. An amputee will most likely experience a wide range of emotions such as denial, helplessness, hopelessness, self-pity, anger, regret, self-doubt, sadness. And it is okay to feel this way. But it depends on what one wants to choose. Whether one wants to choose a path of recovery and hope or a path filled with bitterness, regret and agony. Needless to say, he chose life filled with hope and opportunities. And once you decide to walk on this path, you will see that a number of doors will open up for you. In no time, Major D.P. Singh, an old acquaintance, decided to extend his time and emotional support to Pradeep Kumbhar. Major D.P. Singh an amputee himself introduced Pradeep to a network of differently abled named “The Challenging Ones”. Major D.P. Singh is the founder of “The Challenging Ones” – A self Help support network of differently abled.  This network and the people he met here inspired him and his belief in himself further strengthened. During his hospitalization, Pradeep was also contacted by Sachin Tendulkar who kept him motivated. Pradeep Kumbhar and Sachin Tendulkar are buddies as Sachin has been an ambassador for IDBi Mumbai Marathon and Pradeep is involved in organising this event.
After getting his prosthetic leg, Pradeep has already completed several 5 Km and 10 Km runs within one year of completing his rehab. He has been felicited by Sachin Tendulkar for a couple of runs. He now swims regularly 3 to 5 KM  and cycles for around 50KMS on a daily basis. And recently Did Kalsubai Peak Trek height of 1646 meters or 5400 Feet Climbed Kalsubai Trek Distance 6.6 km one way. It is the highest peak in Maharashtra.  This warrior’s dream of completing an international triathlon still persists and there is no doubt that this dream will become a reality very soon.
Life will never be perfect. It will most likely put you in difficult situations from time to time. During a time of adversity, it is important to save your mind, to reach out for help. It is important to find a support system like family, friends and loved ones or a support network. You may also seek professional help. You do not have to go through the journey alone. Life is all about the choices we make. Not all of them will be right. Nevertheless always choose LIFE.
Pradeep Kumbhar’s message to everyone is “Success belongs to those who are goal oriented, determined and persevering, if you can dream it, you can definitely do it!”
9th November 2022 Pradeep won a gold medal for 800m breaststroke in the Pan Pacific Master Games swimming championships at Gold Coast

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