Ushering Deepavali with light and positivity



The mother of all Hindu festivals, Deepavali will be celebrated on October 24th, an important day which marks good over evil.


For Indians, the festival of lights is significant because it is the day the goddess of prosperity Lakshmi finds her way into their homes.


Several tales are associated with the celebration but what is vital for revellers now is how they should prepare their home, body, mind and spirit to usher in the auspicious day.

This weekend would be the perfect time to prepare your house for the event so that you can benefit from the coming of the energy of light into your space.


Getting the property ready does not mean just decorating the house exterior or interior but giving the entire physical structure an uplift.


First, do an audit of your property and check if the facade of your property requires repainting because faded, peeling and blemish paint on the walls, gate, fence, and grills may not welcome positive energy flow.


Best to give such structures and fittings a new coat of paint with cheerful colours like orange, rustic, maroon, brown and beige. Avoid using black, blue and grey because they do not promote positivity.


If you have not given attention to your garden, this would be the best time to remove weeds, cut the grass, get rid of dead plants, and probably get some flowering plants which can add liveliness to your lawn.


Remember, in Vasthu Sastra, creepers and thorny plants are disallowed from being kept in a house because they are inauspicious.


Next, check for broken roof or floor tiles, cracked walls and window panes.

If there are such defects, patch or repair or replace them because such imperfections can attract bad energies.


All broken and unused items like electrical goods, furniture, mirror, glass, cutleries and clutters must be removed and disposed of.

According to Vasthu, dwellers using broken items will not enjoy goodness because they radiate negative energies.

Cobwebs and dust on the property indicate difficult times for the breadwinner, and they must be cleared.

Leaking or dripping pipes must be plugged immediately because it denotes that the master of the house will experience a loss of wealth.

It is encouraged to spur the interior with new curtains or a sofa set or with some new goods to woo fresh energies into the space.

After all the fixtures have been given attention, the house should be given a thorough cleaning and washing, performed on the eve of Deepavali.

Burn incense after cleansing the house to remove stagnated energies and further purify the space.

Dwellers are urged to place oil lamps on the porch and foyer to brighten up their homes on the eve of the festival. Fire represents light, and it is one of the fine methods used to send an individual’s message to the cosmic forces and banish the darkness.

On Deepavali, all revellers should rise early and have their oils baths to clean their bodies and renew their spirits.

Wearing new clothes is a must on the merrymaking day, and bright colours are recommended to woo good spirits. Avoid wearing black, blue, grey and other dull colours which may dampen the festive mood.

Once you have prepared your body for the occasion, the next should be to focus on freeing your mind and improving your sweetness of speech on that day.

One of the key fundamental elements of the festival is to forgive someone for their mistake as such a deed on an auspicious day comes easily and will free your heart and mind.

It is not unusual for anyone to get hurt by friends, colleagues, relatives or family members at some point in time due to their actions, gestures and words which could be unintentional.

What is more important is to forgive the individual and forget the incident so that both the affected persons can enjoy peace of mind and have a positive relationship.

Deepavali’s ultimate aim is unity and it is a time for loved ones to strengthen ties with one another.

Opening houses and welcoming friends, colleagues and relatives to visit and treating them to sweets and goodies are the icings for a Happy Deepavali.

Award-winning author Dr T. Selva is a speaker and writer of the bestseller book Vasthu Sastra Guide. To purchase a copy of the book, call Devi at 0412623017. He can be contacted at Facebook: Vasthu Sastra; Website:

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