How to Train Your Subconscious Mind for Success

By Sidhharrth S Kumaar

Your subconscious mind is a powerful tool that controls most of your life’s decisions, choices, relationships, health, and success. It stores minute details of your life experiences from the very moment you were born to the present and impacts the rest of your life from backstage.

You’re aware of the actions induced by your conscious mind (which involves practical thinking and execution) but your subconscious mind works in mysterious ways. You remain unconscious of how and why your belief systems are positively or negatively affecting your success trajectory.

It is possible to train your subconscious mind for success. The right combination of physical activity and diet can give you your desired physique. Similarly, training your mind with positive thoughts and valuable strategies can help you accomplish your wildest dreams.

1. Get crystal clear of your goals

Your subconscious mind doesn’t differentiate between fiction and reality. It simply accepts what you feed it without judgment. Hence, there shouldn’t be a trace of confusion regarding your purpose.

Write all your goals on a paper sheet. Now choose only five of them to remain super focused on what you earnestly want. Stick it to a place where you can see them every day. Read and write your goals daily to strengthen your willpower and determination.

2. Visualize your victory

Visualization trains your mind to cultivate goal-oriented thoughts, emotions and perseverance focused on your end objective. Giving a daily reminder to your subconscious mind via visualization trains it to put you in the right circumstances and help you take the right decisions to secure your victory.

Sit in a meditative pose. Close your eyes. Make your visualization as detailed as you can. With practice, start including your senses such as smell, touch, and taste in your visualizations.

3. Repetition of affirmations aka self-fulfilling prophecies

Training your subconscious mind for success cannot be done without repetitive affirmations. Studies have shown that repeating affirmations change the neural pathways in the brain. The brand new belief system based on persistent optimistic training favors your chances of success.

Remember, your affirmation should start with “I am”. For example – “I am coming out of my comfort zone to become the person I want to be”. Mix these affirmations with emotions and read them aloud to turn them into self-fulfilling prophecies.

4. Immerse yourself in Personalized Music Therapy

Music is the most relaxing and easiest mode to train your subconscious mind. The best thing about Music Therapy is that you can reap its benefits even in your sleep.

Listening to powerful binaural beats (personalized as per DoB and Name) combined with positive affirmations is reported to reach the subconscious. If you can’t seek a professional music therapist, record your own affirmations, and listen to the recording while sleeping, relaxing, or doing a daily chore.


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