Making peace with the snake curseMaking peace with the snake curse

By Dr T. Selva 

From ancient times snakes are either feared or revered by people because it symbolises good and destruction. 

In several civilisations, it represents spirituality, commencement, redemption and devastation, as well as life and death.  

In the Hindu tradition, people worshipped snakes from early days because several folklores, beliefs, legends and scriptures are associated with serpents. 

One of the most dreaded aspects is the snake curse caused by the malefic influence of the celestial bodies of Rahu (head of a dragon) and Kethu (tail of a dragon) on an individual’s astrological birth chart. 

Those who have the Rahu or Kethu placed in the first house and the other in the seventh house will have such a jinx in their birth chart. 

Another cause could be a person knowingly or unknowingly hurting a snake or ruining a snake pit. 

According to seventh-generation astrologer Master Yuvaraj Sowma from Chennai, India, people with snake spells will have anxiety about snakes from young, disturbing dreams about snakes and fear of seeing the reptile. 

He said those having such occurrences should see an astrologer and get accurate analysis to determine the intensity of the Naga Dosha (snake curse). 

One should not dismiss or be playful about the serpent whammy because it would distress them lifelong if the issue is not remedied. 

It is not a question of belief but it is a fact of life if one understands the science and studies of celestial objects and phenomena in astronomy. 

Among the characteristics of the snake curse on people having it in their horoscope are: 

● Delayed marriage and marital life could face difficulties;  

● The longevity of those who are close to them may be affected prematurely; 

● They could suffer from some unexpected illnesses and skin diseases;  

● Their grand plans may not achieve the desired financial and growth results. 

● Married women may struggle in conceiving and experience miscarriages; 

● Have trouble getting along with people and their friendship does not last;  

● Sometimes, their presence and deceptive speech may hurt and cause grief to people unknowingly; and   

● They could be misunderstood as unreliable, untrustworthy and ungrateful, leading to unwelcome problems in their lives. 

Master Yuvaraj said they should not be blamed for their attributes, but the curse is the root cause of the problems. 

He said there was hope and affected individuals should not be worried because the issues can be pacified through rituals and prayer ceremonies. 

“In Hindu scriptures, snakes are viewed as demigods and if its spirit is found to be residing in a person’s body, the spell should be removed respectfully through specific holy ceremonies, or it can be unforgiving and hostile. 

“One method to appease the situation is for the affected person to donate a snake deity to a temple or build a temple with a snake shrine so devotees can worship. 

“This will take away the snake’s attention on the person, thus freeing the individual,” he said. 

Master Yuvaraj said the move would also provide grounding for the snake spirit, leaving the individual’s body in return. 

“The snake curse should be understood and not feared because there is hope in changing the adverse situation and preventing suffering. 

“We have successfully performed countless peace-making prayers for the snake deity and many people have experienced positive relief,” he said. 

He added that those who do not perform the ritual would carry the snake curse cycle to the next generation, and this should be stopped or the God of Serpent will continue to be furious. 

Award-winning writer Dr T. Selva is a speaker and author of the bestseller book Vasthu Sastra Guide. To purchase a copy of the book call Devi at 0412623017. He can be contacted at Facebook: Vasthu Sastra; Website: 

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