How to Wield Joy to Boost Productivity and Manage Stress

By Sidhharrth S Kumaar  

Joy is the ultimate reservoir of positive emotions persisting to be tapped into for bringing exuberance, zest, and rejuvenation to one’s life. This state of immense delight and pleasure is the core aspect of a winning mindset that not only believes and strives but also achieves.  

A joyful mind is more productive, focused, and dedicated to its goals. Studies have shown that incorporating joy in a workforce can help teams set dignified targets and hit milestones consistently. Apart from professional growth, joy also stimulates your personal life by combating physical and mental health issues, relieving stress, and acting as a great mood stabilizer.  

Here are three simple steps through which you can wield joy to boost productivity and knock out stress.  

  1. Set the tone of the day with a morning ritual 

The way we spend our first few waking hours set the mood for the rest of the day. Unluckily, from the moment we open our eyes every morning, we engross ourselves in work emails, social media, or other trivial acts that exclude our well-being.  

A morning ritual makes you feel energized yet grounded. It can include meditation, yoga, affirmation chanting, reading 5 pages from a feel-good book, or a quick dance session on your favorite track.  

  1. Write daily in a Gratitude Journal 

Science has proven the extraordinary benefits of practicing gratitude time and again. According to reports, writing in a gratitude journal for 5 minutes a day can impact our overall performance and bolster long-term happiness by a whopping 10%.  

People relate happiness to huge accomplishments. However, true joy is in savoring the little things. Make it a habit to document 5 things you’re grateful for. It can be as simple as receiving a warm smile from a stranger to drinking coffee in your best-loved mug.    

  1. Find and incorporate joy triggers in your daily routine  

In your pursuit of joy, there are no secret recipes or magic pills. Joy isn’t something you can feel all the time. But it’s certainly something you can achieve by practicing habits that make your heart smile.  

Joy triggers are unique to an individual’s personality and choices. It can be lifting weights in the gym, cuddling with your partner, following a skincare routine, or listening to a podcast. Finding and including joy triggers in your daily routine helps to combat stress hormones and creates a sense of purpose in an otherwise mundane life.   

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