Creating a healthy home

By Dr T. Selva

People who suffer from ailments can be attributed to how a property is orientated, according to Vasthu Sastra.

Issues related to the heart, head, bones, kidneys, stomach, and breathing, as well as cancer, tumours and other sicknesses, could be linked to the inauspicious placement of an individual’s place of dwelling.

You may ask, how is that so?

Vasthu Sastra says when a dwelling space does not conform to its principles, stress, discomfort, fatigue, agitation, anxiety, and unhealthy conditions develop.

Vasthu is based on the five elements of fire, water, earth, air and ether and when there is an imbalance in a property involving the fundamentals, health problems surface.

Every defect distorts the subtle flow of positive energy and puts the house at risk because the flow of the cosmic energy field gets chaotic, leading to disturbance in the enclosed space.

Remember, the place you live in vibrates energy, and so is your body, and both points must match in harmony or else confusion and clashes arises.

Vasthu stresses that every individual has to live in harmony with the energy that prevails within the space they occupy. 

Not being in tune with this energy creates afflictions and disharmony and adversely affects the occupant of that space. 

Those adverse effects can include frequently falling sick, feeling unwell most of the time and even serious ailments.

Unfortunately, in most cases, people turn to alternative sciences like Vasthu Sastra only when they are at the end of their rope, thus reducing the chances of being healed.

However, it is never too late to embrace energy sciences because they are here to ease your pain, suffering and provide relief.

Note that any defects in the north, north-east and north-west quadrants will affect men’s health, while defects in the south, south-east and east will negatively influence women. 

Property defects and their effects

● Faults in the north, north-east, north-west and west: One of the most critical quadrants in any property in the north-east as it channels positive energy flow into the property. 

If this location is higher than other areas and quadrants, or if it has a cut or curve in it, the mental stability of the property owner or family will be affected, leading to depression and low self-esteem. 

This area must be light and free of weight and obstacles like tall trees or structures. 

Couples should avoid sleeping in this quadrant because it will reduce the chances of conceiving. 

● Flaws in the north and north-west quadrants: This will create unhappiness and relationship problems. 

● Shortcomings in the south, south-east, south-west: Women should be extra careful when the south portion of their building is depressed, has been cut or has curves. 

Health problems related to blood and the head and muscles could affect them. 

Please pay attention to the south-west corner in particular because it is the prosperity corner. 

Any deficiency in this area will also hurt finances and peace of mind. 

● Defects in the east: The woman in a property with faults in the east like it is raised or blocked is likely to fall ill frequently and be prone to accidents. 

People on such properties tend to be prone to illnesses related to the eyes.

What to do about it? 

All faults can be corrected, Vasthu Sastra maintains. If, for instance, you own a property that has cuts in its borders or has been expanded wrongly, the remedy is if possible is to “acquire” the void corners or remove the extension that does not allow the property to form a perfect square or rectangle. 

In the case of depression in the southern or western quadrants, fill it up with earth to make one level. 

Do the same if the northern and eastern portions are lower. 

Another way to resolve the deficiencies is to bury the mystical diagrams known as sacred yantras in the eight corners of a plot or property plot. It can help nullify the adverse effects of up to 80 per cent.

The proper placement of the sacred yantras has been found to cure the negativity that afflicts the property and occupants for up to 60 years.

Award-winning author Dr T. Selva is a speaker and the author of the bestseller book Vasthu Sastra Guide. To purchase a copy of the book call Devi at 0412623017. He can be contacted at Facebook: Vasthu Sastra; Website:

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