Australian Cities Save Soil

Soil is the foundation of all life on this planet and affects every aspect from air, water and bio-diversity to socioeconomic well-being of nations. The amount of fertile soil on the planet is diminishing at an alarming rate, and there is a strong need to turn our primary attention and global ecological narrative toward healing soil.

Conscious Planet: Save Soil,
is a global movement to inspire a conscious approach to saving our soil and planet. The aim is to demonstrate the support of over 3.5 billion people (more than 60% of the world’s voting population) and empower governments to initiate policy-driven action to revitalize soil and halt further degradation.

Receiving a resounding response, the Save Soil movement has already touched over 2 billion people, with 72 nations agreeing to act to Save Soil. Over 250 media outlets from 18 countries have covered Save Soil events on the journey so far.

Australia-based volunteers known as Earth Buddies have joined the movement in a big way across the country; Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide and Broome volunteers have been increasing awareness about soil extinction by engaging the community in various activities.

Sydney volunteers have joyfully walked and danced across Darling Harbour to Opera House, Bondi Beach, Parramatta Square and the Royal Botanical Gardens. Along the way, they have spread awareness of the dire need to save soil.

Earth Buddies of the Save Soil movement in Melbourne met with Aboriginal Elder, Uncle Wayne Thorpe. Stories were shared in a yarning circle around a fire so that they could connect with soil and land through the lens of First Nations Australian wisdom. Earth Buddies also danced to the rhythm of the didgeridoo and gum leaf.

Perth & Broome
Volunteers have set up stations to paint biodegradable pots and plant little saplings, attracting hundreds of kids and their families. Children and parents also learned about soil degradation and joined in the Save Soil anthem and dance.

Earth Buddies in Brisbane have gathered in several locations across the city, dressed in green Save Soil T-shirts holding placards and flags with Save Soil messages. They have walked, sung and danced spreading awareness amongst the community.

Volunteers presented the movement to politicians and entrepreneurs at the IAAC Event in Canberra and at the National Soils Advocate Forum. It was very well received and connections were made to deepen engagement with leaders.


Volunteers of Adelaide have organised a stall 4 days a week, distributing flyers and reaching out to hundreds of new Earth Buddies. They have also touched the community at Gepps Cross Vegetables Market and aired on AkashVani radio station.

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