Teaching the World to See

By Lilly Psomadelis 

Three Ophthalmology colleagues went on a volunteer sight saving project to Asia 15 years ago and were deeply moved by the difference they could make to the lives of local people, by performing eye examinations and providing treatment to those they could help with surgery. However, the treatment they provided ceased when they left, a situation that was unacceptable to these dedicated eye health care professionals. With a desire to build a world where everyone can see, they established Sight For All. This not-for profit organisation uses sustainable and innovative strategies to empower communities to eliminate blindness, by providing education to up-skill local health care professionals and equipping eye care clinics where help is most needed.

The three founders of Sight For All were renowned Ophthalmologists Prof  Robert Casson, A/Prof Henry Newland and 2020 Australian of the Year, Dr James Muecke AM.

Over a decade later, Sight For All has become a driving force shifting eye health and education as a public priority in partner countries including Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Mongolia

Vision is paramount for effective social, educational and personal activities. Without it, many suffer from poor personal health and mobility which leads to increased fall risk, motor vehicle collisions and unsafe driving practices, stress on government funded welfare and according to the Lancet Global Health Commission on Global Eye Health, can lead to higher premature mortality rates as vision loss becomes more severe.

It is estimated that 285 million people in the world are vision impaired or blind and staggeringly, 90% of the blindness and vision impairment is preventable or treatable. In some countries, equitable access to preventable measures and treatment remains a challenge and is the priority of continuing educational programs. However, in Australia, without a referral, permanent residents can receive a medicare subsidised comprehensive eye test, or are able to claim medicare benefits by submitting a claim.

Sight For All has developed a community eye health project that delivers face to face seminars on the eye, eye health, eye disease and the importance and access to eye testing and treatment programs. It is Sight For All’s hope that this knowledge will lead to a call to action where a comprehensive assessment to prevent vision loss will be sought out.

Sight For All will continue to provide the public with eye care information sessions. Please contact nsweducator@sightforall.org for information on these free lectures for your community group.

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