3Bridges wins the Premier’s Multicultural Community Medal for Business Excellence

3Bridges Community has been acknowledged for the outstanding work they do in promoting social cohesion, inclusion and diversity by being the recipients of The Premier’s Multicultural Community Medal for Business Excellence – Not for Profit, at the Premier’s Harmony Dinner.

The annual event, this year held at the International Convention Centre and hosted by the Hon. Mark Coure MP, Minister for Multiculturalism, pays tribute and showcases the positive impact that businesses and community organisations make across the state of New South Wales.

Raj Nair, 3Bridges CEO, was ecstatic to receive the award on behalf of 3Bridges’ staff and volunteers, as well as the community members who access 3Bridges’ range of services.

“This award acknowledges and showcases the dedication of the whole team in ensuring that all community members regardless of age, ethnicity, sexuality or religion feel safe, welcome and accepted,” said Raj Nair.

“I am honoured to work in an organisation that prides itself on celebrating the diversity of individuals and their different cultural backgrounds, an organisation that provides opportunities to our diverse community members, to connect and enrich their lives,” Raj Nair continued.

For over 40 years 3Bridges Community continues to provide services and supports from Early Years to Ageing Well, for over 28,500 people each year.

3Bridges prides themselves on providing person centred support to the community and walking alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders through empowerment, collaboration and creating a safe and inclusive environment. Focusing on prevention and early intervention, while making a significant social impact by having a positive effect to the recipient and those around them.

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