Creating a Conscious Planet | Sadhguru

Sadhguru: Soil is the habitat upon which zillions of lives thrive. This thirty-six to thirty-nine inches of soil is the basis of eighty-seven percent of life on this planet. Everything grows because of that thriving life. Once there is no richness in soil, then we have forsaken the planet in many ways.

The United Nations agencies, with enough scientific data, are saying that the planet has agricultural soil only for another eighty to hundred crops. That means we would run out of soil in forty-five to sixty years. If that happens, there will be a serious food crisis on the planet – it is inevitable.

When food crisis comes, whoever has the biggest guns will take the food. And the chaos and the suffering that we will create for populations around the world is unimaginable. Don’t think only the poor will die; they will kill the rich and the rich will also die. This is not to paint a dark picture but soil extinction is being predicted by top scientists in the world.

The desertification of our soil is happening at such a rapid pace because every time you grow something, the organic content is being taken by the crops, but nothing is being put back into the soil. In a tropical forest, the organic content in the soil, from plant litter and animal waste, would be somewhere around seventy percent or more. In agricultural soils, the minimum organic content should be three to six percent. But right now, in nearly forty percent of the world’s agricultural lands, the organic content is below 0.5%.

So, what are we going to do? There are only two ways to put back organic content into the soil – green litter from vegetation, and animal waste. Bringing back animals into the farm is out of question because people have gotten used to the comfort of the machine. So, the best option we have is to bring back vegetation. What sort of vegetation, how much percentage, in which country – these things can be worked out at the local level. But as a global policy, a minimum three percent organic content in the agricultural soil should be made a must.

The solutions are not rocket science; it is just a question of application. Are we willing to do it in time, so that we minimize the suffering for every creature on this planet? That is the question.

#ConsciousPlanet – Save Soil movement, is a global initiative to mobilize over 3 billion people to initiate a conscious approach to soil and planet.

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