Morrison-Joyce government create chaos in rat race

The Morrison-Joyce Government has once again failed Australian manufacturers by choosing to back foreign importers of unapproved rapid antigen tests over local businesses. 

Today it was revealed that the Government has opened the floodgates to three months’ supply of unapproved test kits.

This is a slap in the face to Australian manufacturers who have been abandoned by the Government. 

Their failure to back Australian manufacturers means millions of rapid tests are now going offshore. 

Brisbane-based biotech company AnteoTech has exported millions of tests to the European and UK markets.

Lumos Diagnostics, based in Melbourne, set up manufacturing operations in Florida and California after approaching the Australian Government in mid-2020 about setting up domestic capacity. 

Another Australian manufacturer, Ellume, has been shipping 100,000 rapid test kits per day to the United States. 

It’s now easier to get an Australian-made rapid test in the US and parts of Europe than in the very country they’re made. 

The Morrison-Joyce Government’s failure to see what was staring them right in the face meant Australian manufacturers went looking elsewhere and Aussies left running the rat race, only to find empty shelves. 

Mr Morrison’s abysmal record on backing Australian manufacturers is clear: only one of the 23 rapid tests approved by the TGA are made by Australian companies.

Now, they’re flooding the market with tests that the TGA can’t vouch for. 

The Morrison-Joyce Government’s piecemeal approach to pandemic management is letting Australian manufacturers and consumers down.

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