The Hon Alex Hawke MP minister for Immigration, citizenship, migrant services and multicultural affairs message for Indian Republic Day 2022

Best wishes to the Indian Australian community as you celebrate Indian Republic Day.

This day – 26 January – is a day of national celebration for both Australia and India. Our connection extends beyond this shared date though, with our enduring friendship and partnership – founded on our shared ideals of democracy, freedom and inclusion – strengthening year after year.

On our shared day, we recognise what is one of the oldest and fastest growing communities in our nation, the Indian Australian community, who have contributed to the growth and prosperity of this nation across all facets of society since the early 1800s.

Australia and India have faced unimaginable challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, with many people separated from their loved ones. At this time, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Indian Australian community for the spirit of community, compassion and charity you have embodied. I am so thankful for the resilience and determination you have shown in supporting Australia’s recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. The solidarity of our communities and the shared spirit of mateship is one of our nation’s greatest assets.

In 2022, there is so much to look forward to – with families continuing to be reunited, and students, skilled workers and travellers being welcomed back to our shores. 

On this Indian Republic Day and Australia Day, I hope that you are able to connect with friends and family and share in the celebrations of democracy and national pride.

Happy Republic Day!

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