Sydney Opens Up To The World

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet confirmed 80 per cent double-dose coverage would trigger the following for the fully vaccinated:

  • Up to 20 visitors will be allowed in a home (not including children 12 and under)
  • Up to 50 people can gather in outdoor settings
  • Up to 200 people can attend COVID Safe outdoor events
  • Up to 3000 people can attend controlled (ticketed and seated) events
  • Community sport is permitted (staff, spectators and participants)
  • No cap for personal services such as hairdressers, spas, nail and beauty salons, tattoo and massage parlours
  • The requirement to be seated while drinking indoors removed, dancing permitted indoors and outdoors
  • Major recreation outdoor facilities can operate with density limits, capped at 5,000
  • Nightclubs allowed to reopen for seated drinking but no dancing
  • No person limit for weddings and funerals, dancing permitted and eating and drinking allowed while standing
  • Churches and places of worship reopen for the fully vaccinated
  • Mandatory masks ditched in office buildings for the fully vaccinated, only hospitality staff required to wear masks while outdoors

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