Integrated Vaccination Certificate Opens To All On Service NSW APP

Residents across NSW will be able to integrate the COVID-19 digital vaccination certificate into their Service NSW app from today with the program now rolling out State-wide.

The restrictions to further ease as the state approaches 80 per cent double vaccination, the integration of the vaccine certificate with the app will make things easier for the people of NSW.

The extra digital service will make life easier for the businesses and customers of NSW as state opens up. NSW is the first jurisdiction in Australia to roll out an integrated QR code solution for displaying vaccination status State wide.

When someone visits a venue, they’ll be able to show their green check-in tick and vaccination status simultaneously, saving staff and customers time. While integrating the COVID-19 digital certificate on to the Service NSW app will be optional, it will be the by far the easiest and quickest way to prove you’re fully vaccinated

As the vaccine data sits in the Federal Australian Immunisation Register to integrate the COVID-19 digital certificate into the Service NSW app you will need to:

  • Ensure your Federal MyGov account is linked to Medicare
  • Download the Express Plus Medicare app and sign in with your MyGov account details
  • Select ‘Proof of vaccinations’ and then ‘View history’Vacciantion
  • Select ‘Share with check in app’ and then ‘Service NSW’

The Service NSW app will include a number of security measures to help compliance officers and businesses with checking and validating a customer’s vaccination status, including a NSW Waratah logo hologram and rotating QR codes, similar to the Digital Driver Licence.

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