Power and benefits of symbols

By Dr T. Selva 

FROM ancient times, people have worn and displayed symbols to avert negative energy and attract peace and abundance.

Such beliefs might be deemed mere superstition in these modern times, but you’d be surprised how many people still subscribe to them.

Indeed, in metaphysics and prehistoric studies, symbols are regarded as visible signs of an invisible reality. 

I have received many questions from readers about the meaning of sacred symbols, how to use them, and how they can benefit an individual.

Symbols act like keys that help an individual to attract a particular energy pattern they need. Such designs can relate to love, money, relationships, unity, studies, mental power, health, safety, spirituality, happiness, protection and peace. 

How do you choose a symbol? When you see a symbol, you must feel a need to wear or carry it or it must resonate with you.

An icon can be used as long as you want; when you feel it has accomplished its purpose and you no longer need it, you can put it away for future use or pass it on to someone else. 

Symbols that are passed on by elders or down through the generations are viewed as powerful emblem. Each person using it for the same purpose will enhance the energy it attracts and its effectiveness. 

A reminder: if you want to try any of these symbols, do so with respect and faith because they are not playful objects. 

The following symbols are used for various purposes and need to be worn or displayed on the main door of a property or on walls and in vehicles. 

Amma and Sai Baba – The portraits of spiritual gurus Amma and Sai Baba are worn as a symbol by their followers to attract divine blessings and spiritual enlightenment. 

Abracadabra – This ancient phrase was used as a pendant in the early days to protect the wearer from unholy spirits and the casting of an evil eye. The letters have to be written in a specific manner to invoke the word’s powers. 

Anchor  An auspicious sign that can be worn or placed on the main door of a house. When used latterly, it protects the home from thieves and attracts good luck. 

Arrow – A symbol used for protection against negative energy and unholy spirits. 

Aum  A powerful spiritual symbol that can bestow the wearer with prosperity, happiness, success, spiritual solitude, bliss and wisdom. It can be worn around the neck or as a ring by anyone. 

Axe  A useful sign used for protection and to ward off the evil eye cast on an individual. It should be worn around the neck.

Bangles  Normally used by women, they indicate that the wearer offers to serve selflessly. 

Bells  They bestow happiness and success, particularly concerning an individual’s career, on the wearer. 

Cross  A holy symbol that provides the wearer with wisdom, happiness, wealth, health and spiritual enlightenment. 

Eye  The eye signifies wealth, intelligence and power. It is used for protection and good luck. 

Fish  This is an significant sign of prosperity and fame. Men and women can use it for personal enhancement.

Heart  A famous symbol to improve love and closeness between two people. Couples are encouraged to use it to reaffirm their ties. 

Horseshoe  This is a powerful image for protection and good luck. A used horseshoe is more effective than a new one. It must not be worn but placed as an upside-down U shape over the main door. 

Key  This indicates liberation and is typically worn by or given to a person turning 21. To remove obstacles and enjoy prosperity, love and health, an individual should wear three keys. 

Ring  A perfect circle means infinity. It is worn or exchanged by a couple as a promise when they get married or engaged. It signifies a vow that should be kept for life. 

Serpent  Since time immemorial, this symbol has been worn for its healing qualities. It also helps the user to improve their wisdom. 

Swastika  This is one of the most dominant symbols in Vasthu Sastra. It should be placed on a property’s main door facing outward at eye level to invite good forces. The swastika provides mind, body and spirit balance and wards against negative energy. 

Award-winning writer and speaker Dr T. Selva is the author of the bestseller book Vasthu Sastra Guide. He is the first disciple of seventh generation Vasthu Sastra Master Yuvaraj Soma in Chennai. To purchase a copy of the book, call Devi at 0412623017. He can be reached at drtselvas@gmail.com Facebook: Vasthu Sastra; Website: www.vasthusastra.com

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