Tarot card Predictions September By Puja Shaktti

Mercury’s last period of retrograde motion in 2021 lasts from September 27 to October 17, According to the vedic astrology, we are all influenced by the effect of Mercury in retrograde.The planet Mercury rules communication in all forms—listening, writing, reading, speaking, and so on—as well as activities closely related to communication, like negotiations and contracts. It also rules travel, automobiles, shipping, and mail.

When Mercury is retrograde, try to remain flexible, patient, and understanding, allowing extra time for travel.


FIRE SIGN ~Inner strength, spontaneous energy

September, don’t go for any mental work. Aries will feel nervousness and indiscriminate behaviour, better to have some rest, eventually engage in some handwork. You won’t have any problems with manual tasks, but should you think about something more, it might not go very well.Aries often think of September as a fresh new beginning. They usually love change, and this month will give it to them. The problems that the new school year and the end of the holidays can bring will not scare you away. On the contrary, thanks to the Sun’s position, you will fearlessly face all the challenges, and you will still have much energy left for hobbies and family. This energy will also have a positive impact on the people around you. 


EARTH SIGN ~Strong and stubborn

 September, you will slowly deplete your energy reserves, and most of the things will get back to normal. Don’t expect any thrill in work or romantic relationships. Dedicate your time to family. In this month, your close ones will need your support – you will need theirs too – and the mutual vulnerability will only get you closer. Tauruses may feel depressed and unmotivated. This year has been exhausting, and it seems like an eternity has passed since January. These negative feelings could affect all aspects of your life, so you should not let them out and instead try to find help from your partner or a friend.


AIR SIGN ~Communicative and polite character 

 September will not turn out to be favourable for natives belonging to the zodiac sign Gemini. Your financial condition will be full of ups and downs. On the 6th of September, Mars  will bring improvements to your existing source of income. study duties, or worries about children, At the end of September, you will be significantly affected by the phases of the Moon, so you should be more careful about your health.Try to avoid the unnecessary expenses during this period. Stick to a regular source of income which will ensure the constant inflow of monetary resources. Avoid taking loans from anyone as the time is not quite right for it. Also, keep your eyes and ears open while making any transactions during the month of September. 


WATER SIGN ~Emotional but the responsive character

September, Cancers will be most affected by the moon. You usually base your actions on emotions, and that will even intensify now. You will feel a great need to be taken care of. However, be careful not to get too emotionally attached to someone, as the potential rejection could break your heart. It will not be easy at work. If a problem arises, you will retreat rather than face the situation.Apart from the regular sources, you will also make some extra money. Money which has been stuck for a very long time will flow back into your hands. Job holders may lay their hands on an increment. 


FIRE SIGN ~Courage, self-confidence

 September will give you an excellent opportunity,From an economic point of view, this month will turn out to be quite ordinary for you. The lack of monetary resources will not trouble you. Jupiter’s aspect on your eleventh house can be beneficial for your financial front. At the very beginning of the month, Mercury and Venus will be present in your second house, which will also be quite profitable for you.Leos will be able to handle the stress of the days of September very well, and therefore they will be able to support their whole family when they need it the most, and there will still be plenty of energy left for their own activities. Try to make things that you have been putting off for a long time happen. You will be a step ahead of the others.


EARTH SIGN~careful, attentive but intelligent

The second half of the month will have some good news in store for you. This will be the time when Jupiter in a retrograde motion will move into your fifth house because of which business professionals will come across an extremely favourable time. You will be able to witness the fruits of your hard work. Your business venture will also gain momentum.

The second half of the month will not turn out to be quite profitable for job holders. You may have to forcefully switch jobs in this duration and the new job may turn out to be somewhat more difficult than the previous one. There are also chances of a layoff during this time period.


AIR SIGN ~justice, sympathy, harmony

September will make you feel like you don’t care about the material world at all. You will attach great importance to your inner and spiritual being. Libra might just realize that reality isn’t about the physical essence; only it’s also metaphysical. You will be excited about learning this.September is expected to remain positive. Both Sun and Mars are present in your eleventh house and Jupiter is aspecting the very same house. Consequently, sources of your income will increase. You will stumble upon more than one source of earning money. On account of your hard work and efforts, you will be able to lay your hands on new sources of earning money.


WATER SIGN ~foresighted and empathetic to the others

September is expected to remain positive. Both Sun and Mars are present in your eleventh house and Jupiter is aspecting the very same house. Consequently, sources of your income will increase. You will stumble upon more than one source of earning money. On account of your hard work and efforts, you will be able to lay your hands on new sources of earning money.you will be able to make a lot of money on your own and on account of your courageous abilities and efficiency.

Any source of earning money which has been on hold for a very long time will get reactivated during this month’s time. Your income will increase. The transit of Mars in your eleventh house will be specifically beneficial for job holders. Those who are into property related business will also remain eligible for acquiring benefits


FIRE SIGN ~purposeful, energic, and full of desire 

September, take care of yourself, because in this period you might not feel very good when it comes to health. You could get attacked by a virus or in worse case, bacteria, that you won’t shake off easily. Sagittarius should slow down their life pace and be under as little pressure as possible,Venus will enter the eleventh house of profit during the first week of the month. It is Venus’s own zodiac sign which will bless the natives with riches. In the latter half, Mercury will also reach there. For business, some special amount of success will be in store. Even with a little effort, more and more money can be earned.


EARTH SIGN ~Conservative signs are practical, cautious

September will show which relationships are worth keeping and which not. If Capricorn is in a long-term relationship and there has been an unresolved issue hanging in the air, maybe now it’s the time to open it again, and then clarify. Familie will be affected by this energy as well. Who stands behind your back and who doesn’t? That will surface now. It’s highly possible that the result will be completely different from your ideas. Be ready for everything.The planets Mars and the Sun will remain posited in the eighth house of your sign during the initial half of the month. They will open the path to some unnecessary expenditures. Your money which has been on hold for a long period of time can come back into your hands. There are chances of you falling prey to vices like betting and losing some of your money. Hence, you are advised to remain careful from the very beginning itself.


AIR SIGN ~Soulful and romantic 

September will be a month of self-reflection – Aquarius will evaluate their life to date and analyze their mistakes, as well as the successes. Don’t wallow in the past for too long though. Just objectively look at your former behaviour, as it could be very beneficial for you. You will, therefore, be able to avoid the steps that you made in the wrong way. However, nobody’s perfect, so don’t punish yourself too much. Also, don’t forget about your health, because you could get sick from all the stress.The second half of the month is also expected to remain problem free as your love will remain static. However, when the planet Jupiter changes zodiac signs, the romance and love may fade away. Unmarried natives have strong prospects of their marriage ceremony getting scheduled in the upcoming time. If we talk about married date natives, then the month of September will be full of ups and downs.


WATER SIGN~strong internal perception and inspiration

September, you will hold fear about what might go wrong within you. In your behaviour, you will be very careful, and before you do something, you will think twice. However, beware of ending up doing nothing.For love relations in particular, this will be a challenging month. The initial half of the month will turn out to be specifically difficult. An ex lover returns back to your life. And unmarried natives are most likely to get married. Married natives will get mixed results. You are requested to remain specifically careful with regards to your health. Both native to have been suffering from any chronic disease are advised to remain careful.You will get multiple opportunities to spend time with your family. The support of your parents will be acquired. If the health of your parents have remained in a bad state, then it is likely to improve during this time

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