Number 1- (Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th & 28th of any month, as well as Leos) 

You may have had a feast of a time on the work front or may have even noticed a sudden leap in your relationship trajectory- owing to your consecutive lucky months (Cancer & Leo); do bask in its glory! 

However, only a fairly decent period is in prospect now on, as the Virgo sign is under way. It is not the sign you would resort to, to save your life. Having said that, it can’t be too bad either, as Mercury (Governor of Virgo) is the closest planet to Sun (1). 

This could well moderately steer you through this period, just enough to hold your nerves. As they say, no news is good news! 

Number 2- (Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th & 29th of any month, as well as Cancerians) 

Every plan needs a vision & every vision begins with dream. Number 2 that you are, you’re governed by Moon, the epitome of dreams. Who better than you to understand this! 

You may not find that point of alignment between your personal life & work this month. However, you’ll experience a gush of ideas. Sow your dreams so that you can manifest them when the time comes. 

The upcoming Libra period is the powerhouse of creativity, especially in amalgamation with 2 (Moon). Well, that’s just a block away! 

Until then, sweet dreams! 

Number 3- 

(Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st & 30th of any month, as well as Pisceans & Sagittarians) 

Being governed by Jupiter (Guru) in a Mercurial period (Buddh), teaching professionals are expected to do well. As we all know, schools are on the verge of reopening, and shall once again be as busy as they were before. There will also be an impetus in online education portals in this period. 

Those in banking-financial, technical & statistical fields may also find a strong threshold this month and the coming 2 months. 

Being pragmatic, your economic preparedness will offer you a sense of security through these trying times. 

On the health front, it would do well to take guarded breaths, especially during this virulent day and age; don’t forget to keep the mask on! 

Number 4- 

(Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd & 31st of any month, as well as Leos) 

It could be one of those modest months, where you neither stand to win nor lose. But that won’t hurt, will it? You’ll need to focus more on patience this month. 

For the time being, accumulate & pile up your deeds & karmas- Figuratively, that’s going to be your ladder to success. 

However, there’s a probability that you’ll drift away from work to pursue a hobby or two! But if given two options, work hard to achieve either, or work smart, and achieve both. 

Be wary of unforeseen mishaps on the health front. You’ll be drawn to commence a disciplined workout or a dietary regime to combat the same. 

Number 5- 

(Those born on the 5th, 14th & 23rd of any month, as well as Geminis or Virgos) 

You may have heard of the famous saying; and even experienced it to a certain extent this year, “time flies.” Furthermore, 2021 (5), your year is governed by Mercury, the fastest planet! 

As you already know, more than half the year has already clocked. If you haven’t already, the remaining quarter can be a peach of an opportunity for you to claim your bonus credits, and wind up what you’ve aimed at accomplishing all this while. Better late than never! Work wise, this period will be more than satisfying. It’s no surprise that the year, particularly September, is governed by your primary number, 5! Moreover, post 23rd September up till 22nd October is the Libra (6) period, which is also one of your lucky ones! 

Thus, there is a likelihood of the coming two months being your best this year! So try & capitalize on lucrative opportunities that swing along. 

Number 6- 

(Those born on the 6th, 15th & 24th of any month, as well as Librans or Taureans) 

Venus, your planet sets the tone for September & the most part of October. Much to your advantage, this period can be characterized as lucky for you, as Virgo (5) & Libra (6) signs are headed to rule the following two months. 

You must do that one thing you think you cannot do; get out of the box, and let there be a whirlpool of ideas. Fully leverage those ideas so your material world continues to be on a roll. 

You will be able to make sound judgments on financial & career aspects. A change of residence or an opportunity for a better work profile can be seen through the stars. 

However, emphasizing on feelings of romance and love, your personality could become too overbearing and needy. 

Number 7- 

(Those born on the 7th, 16th & 25th of any month, as well as Cancerians) 

You’ll gravitate towards the path of struggle this month, but let that not dissuade you, for the road to success is paved on the bed of labour; spare no effort in your endeavour! 

Finances could be volatile, so tighten your purse strings for a while. Who knows, that might just open up an investment opportunity in the near future. 

The Virgo period is known to be nerve-wrecking, calm yourself, and keep the over-anxiety in check to maintain your nerves of steel. 

Romantic that you are, you’ll find love in a hopeless place, either now or in the coming month. Embrace it well; a happy heart is a happy mind. 

Number 8- 

(Those born on the 8th, 17th & 26th of any month, as well as Capricorn & Aquarians) 

You fall, you repair & recuperate, you bounce back! That’s what 8’s do. So now’s the time for you to rise & shine; seems like 8’s on a date with fate. 

The most favourable period for the 8-clan resides in the Virgo & Libra zodiacs, which is calendared up to the 22nd October! 

Make the most of the coming 2 months, as they’re your ticket to paradise. Do what you do best, and do it again if you fail. Your never-give-up attitude shall help you achieve a higher ground, which will ensure that you see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Let the good times kick in! 

Number 9- 

(Those born on the 9th, 18th & 27th of any month, as well as Arians & Scorpions) 

The ongoing Virgo (5) phase is governed by Mercury, which is primarily known for its speed. Bear in mind that Numerologically, number 9’s tend to be hyper-active, clumsy & accident prone; so keep an eye out for a fall (God forbid) especially during this slippery Mercury-run month. 

Simply stating, your over-enthusiasm could be doused by this incompatible month. So lay low, and watch the clock tick meanwhile. 

However, if you voluntarily dampen your energy this month, for a change, it could be well appreciated by your folks & peers. 

The upcoming Libra period shall give you your much awaited ‘sigh of relief’! 

Disclaimer- While these properties are generic, all the above traits may not necessarily hold true for you; your zodiacal qualities may supersede some of your primary numbers’ attributes too.

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