Shop smart online in the lead up to CHRISTMAS

christmas-shoppingFair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe is urging consumers to shop smart when shopping online this Christmas.

“The lead up to Christmas is a busy time, and many consumers will be shopping online to not only save time but potentially save money too,” Mr Stowe said.

“Consumers need to be smart when shopping online to make sure they make the right choices. Given the range of products for sale, navigating unfamiliar selling platforms, figuring out which reviews to trust, paying securely – consumers can sometimes find it confusing to shop online.”

NSW Fair Trading is reminding consumers all of their usual consumer rights apply when shopping with an Australian online business.

These rights may also apply when consumers buy from an overseas online business. However consumers may experience practical difficulties in obtaining a remedy from offshore traders when things go wrong.

Mr Stowe said Fair Trading, in partnership with other Australian Consumer Law regulators, had produced a video to help consumers understand their rights when shopping online.

The Shop Smart Online video, which was independently produced by some of the creatives behind the ABC hit series The Checkout, is now available from Fair Trading’s YouTube Channel.

“We want to remind all consumers to think twice before they click in the lead up to Christmas,” Mr Stowe said.

Follow these tips to shop smart online:

1. Research and shop around. Have you compared products and prices for sale on other sites? Do you know the total price including delivery charges? How long will it take to receive your purchase? Do they provide FAQs and other tips on safety requirements or other purchase issues?

2. Know who you are dealing with. Is the business trusted and reliable? What do other consumers say about the business or the product/ service? Does the business provide legitimate contact details?

3. Make sure you choose what is right for you. Price alone should not be the driving factor in making a decision about which business to buy from. There are many factors to keep in mind, such as quality. Does the product meet Australian Standards? How easy will it be to return if something goes wrong? What is the business’s customer service like?

4. Keep your personal details private and secure. Does the business have a privacy policy in place? Only pay via secure payment methods such as PayPal. When you go to make a purchase, does the web address start with ‘https’ and can you see a closed padlock symbol?

5. If a problem arises, how easy will it be to right a wrong? What do you have to do to return the product if it does not meet safety standards, does not function as intended or is not what you expected? Does the business have a good complaints resolution process in place?

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