Tarot card Predictions August 2021

This month will be crucial mainly for the sign of Virgo and Libra August 22nd – Full Moon in Aquarius (Sun in Leo opposite Moon in Aquarius)

The Sun in Leo,Venus in Virgo,Mercury in Leo,Mars in Virgo


FIRE SIGN ~Inner strength, spontaneous energy

Aries has natural leadership skills, and they will now come to light thanks to the position of Mercury. The fire within you will ignite, and so you certainly won’t procrastinate with work. Therefore, August might also bring promotion and praise, and thanks to your effort, you will start reaping benefits. However, watch out for the success not to get into your head. It could lead to arrogant behaviour, which would be hardly tolerable by your surroundings.You will start planning what you would like to have achieved by the end of the year.The time is quite good for business professionals belonging to this sign as they will be able to see the face of success. Your trade venture may also get expanded. The second half of the month will be comparatively better and job holders will also come across a favourable time in this duration.


EARTH SIGN ~Strong and stubborn

 August, Tauruses will set aside their natural shyness and will open up to new relationships that may be valuable for their future, whether it is a partner, a friend, or a colleague. Don’t be afraid to show who you really are; those around you will much appreciate it. Also, face the opinions of others.During the whole of August, your energy will attract a lot of people, however, watch out for fake friends.The seventh house is under the occupancy of Ketu and it is being aspected by Mars at the same time because of which you may face betrayal with regards to your business. Despite the ups and downs, your business will do well during this month.


AIR SIGN ~Communicative and polite character

Under the reign of the Sun, August will be a period of great creative power. The horoscope implies that now is the ideal time to let the imagination go wild and start dedicating your time to art or any other inspiring activity. Your leadership skills will be intensified as well, making you a star at your job. The organization of human resources will be a piece of cake for you. Thanks to these abilities, the time will be quite prosperous. The initial half of the month will remain in your favour but the second part of the month will be specifically beneficial. On the 17th of August, the planets will move into your third house, because of which you will acquire chances to get profits from the government sector.Those who are already enrolled in a government job will witness an increment in their existing reputation and stature. Some extra responsibilities may also get added to your position


WATER SIGN ~Emotional but the responsive character

Under the influence of Mercury, August will be very harmonious in terms of relationships, because you will be very honest with your feelings. This frequency could attract a new acquaintance to your life, so keep your eyes on the stalks. Cancer will be able to communicate their opinions and feelings with total ease. You will do well at finances too. If you’ve fought with an insufficient budget before, this month could bring you to balance.You might feel the need to change your home or even move elsewhere wholly. If you are considering buying another property, now is the time.


FIRE SIGN ~Courage, self-confidence

 August, Leos will have the best time of the year thanks to their dominant planet – the Sun. You will be great at work, and your colleagues will look up to you. Pay attention to your instincts when making a difficult decision, and luck will come by. You will also be more ambitious, which will be noticed by your superiors. Beware of relationships with your colleagues that will probably get worse a bit.You will also do very well at business, whether it is negotiating a sale, rent, or other financial transactions. Excellent offers will practically come to you by themselves, and it would be a shame not to make use of them.


EARTH SIGN~careful, attentive but intelligent

August will give Virgo a dose of creativity, and you’ll tend to vent it everywhere where it’s possible. Whether it’s a canvas and a brush, a notebook and a pen, or a musical instrument and your hands, let your creativity flow. Art helps to find the true self, and it is one of the few things that has the potential to change the world. Your ideas will be very innovative, making you stand out from the crowd.You will probably be successful at work, thanks to your increased ambitiousness. You will stand up for yourself in any situation, and others’ opinions will not matter to you, which can have both negative and positive consequences.


AIR SIGN ~justice, sympathy, harmony

August will bring a mild emotional downturn; however, that doesn’t mean you won’t get hit by sudden mood changes. Libra naturally tends to keep everything in balance, and when they are not able to do it, they might resort to self-destructive actions. The situation will be getting better and better though, so be patient. For example, you will do great at work, your approach will be swift and helpful, so you won’t have a problem working in a team, and alone as well.Libras will be indecisive and hesitant in August. They will be influenced by Venus, especially in terms of their partner and relationships in general. Your feelings for your partner are powerful.


WATER SIGN ~foresighted and empathetic to the others

you will experience emotions more intensely. Feelings of frustration could then cause you to be too critical, and on the contrary, your affection could be completely unreasonable. Be careful and let someone trustworthy help you.Scorpios will be desirous and they will follow their goals and ideals in August. You will not be able to relax until you achieve what you want, and you will be capable of overcoming any obstacle that might appear in your way.


FIRE SIGN ~purposeful, energic, and full of desire

August, Sagittariuses won’t be able to stop thinking about freedom and traveling. You will enjoy both day-trips and stays abroad. However, this time you should try to get out of the hotel’s comfort zone and the beach and go exploring an unknown place. No doubt you won’t regret it.

This month will be a good opportunity for you to think about your lifestyle. There is certainly a lot to improve. Try to include more vegetables and fruits in your diet and reduce your consumption of sweets.


EARTH SIGN ~Conservative signs are practical, cautious

This month, Capricorns will be very demanding in their relationships. They will demand constant attention from their partner and will not be afraid to get it even in an inappropriate way. If you are not happy with your sexual life, jealousy can worsen the situation, and an argument might emerge.

In terms of work, you will probably be indifferent in August. You will focus on leisure time activities. Although it will give you an inner balance, it could lead to mistrust with colleagues because they will have to catch up with work that you didn’t complete.


AIR SIGN ~Soulful and romantic

August will give you the needed peace of mind – after a long time, it will seem like everything is in its right place. Aquarius will greatly enjoy this harmony, but watch out not to get too lazy. You will also be open in a creative sense – you will feel the need to create something, and therefore vent your inner thoughts. Go for it; you will do great – whether it’s drawing or making music.Aquarians will also have a strong sense of justice, and they will be competent negotiators. You could use it to resolve disputes between your loved ones. Nevertheless, you should first think about whether they are even interested in such help.


WATER SIGN~strong internal perception and inspiration

August will be the real month of love for Pisces, and they will strongly feel the influence of Venus. Individuals in a relationship will be romantic and devoted, while the single ones will flirt and may not even be able to choose between the potential partners. Your sexuality will thrive, and you will often forget all your responsibilities.Another plus will be the newly-gained patience. You realize that most things aren’t as urgent as you thought, and you won’t mind waiting at the red lights, even if you’re late for work.

(By Pujashaktti)

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