Tarot card Predictions July 2021

By Puja Shaktti 

This month, Venus will bring an unlimited amount of charm to Virgos and Leos. Every Leo will be the center of attention at every party, and Virgo will strongly attract the opposite sex. The ability to empathize with others and communicate with them will bring success to all aspects of your

   The Sun in Cancer, Venus in Leo, Mercury in Gemini,Mars in Leo


FIRE SIGN ~Inner strength, spontaneous energy

July is a perfect time for Aries to get closer to their acquaintances, mainly thanks to Venus in a lion’s position, which will give them plenty of confidence. Don’t be afraid to reach out to someone you’ve just met. After all, it could be your future partner. Even if he or she doesn’t turn into the love of your life, you will get at least an exciting experience.July will be one of the most positive months this year for Aries. You will be doing well in everything you touch, whether it’s work opportunities or relationships. The energy of July will also be good for physical activity


EARTH SIGN ~Strong and stubborn

 July, Tauruses will be most affected by Jupiter in Pisces’ position, thanks to which you will feel delighted with yourself, and you will stop worrying about things you have no control over. You will be overwhelmed by the harmony, and others will feel that as well. Moreover, you will be able to transfer the harmony to them. Therefore, do not expect any significant shifts in your working life. The influence of Mars, July will be a month that will prompt thinking and the ability to concentrate effectively. Taurus will be able to achieve their goals and ambitions, and they will transfer the confidence to the area of love as well. It’s like you just discovered a charm that you have never revealed before.


AIR SIGN ~Comunicative and polite character

This period, Jupiter will have the most significant influence on twins. Apart from creativity, it will bring you happiness and fateful events. Therefore, keep your eyes on the stalks in July because you may come across the love of your life or an event that turns your life upside down and fulfill many of your dreams. Unfortunately, this planet is also associated with a desire for power and overestimation. So you may try to undertake a task that is beyond your power.July could be a very emotional month for you. All the feelings you have collected inside yourself want to surface. Whether you’re feeling sadness, anger or disappointment, let it come up. Gemini should not socialize very much during this period, because they might seem hypersensitive.


WATER SIGN ~Emotional but the responsive character

July, you will have plenty of energy, and you might binge on adrenaline. Cancers will be restless, and the desire for information will also be unusually strong. Mercury will push you forward, and you will not stop until you satisfy your desires. However, be careful not to be overwhelmed by too much eagerness.

When it comes to family and relationships, people around you will be keen on your company. You will be very empathetic, and others will love to spend time with you. This also applies to your partner. They will certainly appreciate it if you spend more time with them.don’t forget about taking care of your health either because in this period you will feel that your immune system has been weakened. If you incorporate more fresh foods in your diet, your body will definitely thank you.


FIRE SIGN ~Courage, self-confidence

 This month for the Leos will be in harmony and warmth, which the influence of Venus will give you. You will make fair use of your ability to establish new relationships so that you will meet interesting people. Moreover, you will also have enough patience to hear out the ones who are not so appealing.

However, jealousy might appear due to the influence of the planet. You will be with your friends, and at the same time, blame your partner for not spending enough time with you. Try to realize that it doesn’t always have to feel nice for him or her to spend time with your friends.Leo should not panic, because they will behave responsibly with their finances and all will be good. July will be awakening the desire for material pleasures, however always consider whether it’s really necessary to buy the specific thing.


EARTH SIGN~careful, attentive but intelligent

This period will be rather peaceful, and Virgo will be able to pay attention to practical things. Trips and holidays with your dear one are now more than appropriate. You will experience a lot of fun and strengthen bonds. However, keep in mind that July, with its energy, could bring a person who might not take you that seriously. Not everybody follows the rule of wearing the heart on the sleeve and meeting a liar could get you down.you will show unwavering affection towards your loved ones. Your sexual appetite will increase, and your partner will be happy to make use of it with you. Be careful not to cross any line so as not to offend him.


AIR SIGN ~justice, sympathy, harmony

July, everything will be calm and go smoothly, and you will feel as if you understood everything well. The influence of the Moon will multiply your emotions. However, you will be able to entirely control all situations and find the absolute balance in every situation.

Thanks to its influence, Libras may even desire to create or engage in some kind of creative activity. Don’t underestimate yourself and make fair use of it. Whether it’s decorating your house or painting, for example, you can do yourself, and your loved ones will admire you much.This energy will awaken emotional healing within you – in order for the old wounds to finally leave your system, you have to feel them first. In the end, Libra will feel clean and free. If you need, ask a close friend for help. The right kind of socialization can be miraculous.


WATER SIGN ~foresighted and empathetic to the others

There will be a lot of changes for Scorpios in July. Thanks to Uranus, you will tend to explore the unexplored and experiment. Since it will help you in many aspects of life, you will stick to this mindset even in the future.

Unfortunately, your relationship will not work well for you because of this attitude unless your partner shares the same views. However, if your partner wants to keep his or her feet on the ground, you will be irreconcilable, and you will stand up for yourself, which could cause bringing up things you have never meant to say aloud.


FIRE SIGN ~purposeful, energic, and full of desire

Due to Saturn’s influence, the Sagittariuses may be stubborn in July and will probably try to maintain traditional values at all costs. You will try to apply these to your offsprings, and this could mean problems. They may feel that you are interfering in their lives and thus could easily take against you.

You will be very systematic both at work and in your personal life. As a result, you may find that success is not as far away as it might seem at first glance, and your effort will multiply.

Have you been thinking about changing jobs? The horoscope implies that July is an ideal time to start looking for a better position. If you’re not happy in your current work, it doesn’t make sense to stay there, no matter the money you earn. Sagittarius will understand that not everything is about material security, but primarily about peace of mind.


EARTH SIGN ~Conservative signs are practical, cautious

July, Capricorns will feel the duty to their family much more due to Jupiter’s influence. You will be overly protective of your loved ones, which might often be a burden for them. Try to reduce these tendencies, especially if your children are teenagers. Not only that, they could get angry with you for quite a long time, but you also make it very difficult for them to grow if you look after them too much.

You will also probably want to invest in self-development this month. Whether it’s in manual activities or gaining knowledge, it will give you inner peace and satisfaction.

With the arrival of July, you will feel a desire to head for a vacation. Don’t resist it – we assume that there is a country of your dreams that you would love to visit. Why not realize this dream this year? Capricorn should rest and come to other thoughts.


AIR SIGN ~Soulful and romantic

Aquarians will be in great shape in July, even though they might not think so. Mars will give you its energy, and there will be nothing you can’t do, so don’t underestimate yourself.

Unfortunately, due to the influence of this planet, you will also be more impulsive and restless than usual, and this will lead to many confrontations with others, who won’t be able to keep up with you. You will be avoiding such people, even though you may have been inseparable in the past.

In this period, Aquarius’s emotions will be more intense – so much that they could even overshadow their analytical thinking. In their experiences, they might feel lost, which could lead to depression. It will be best if you just relax and go for a nice vacation with your family, for instance. You will realize how much the people close to you are able to help


WATER SIGN~strong internal perception and inspiration

July, Pisces will be under the major influence of emotions. They will strongly perceive the slightest change, and they will take the behavior of others very seriously. Even a minor problem might often be enough to drive you crazy for days. It could help you make your relationship with nature stronger, as you haven’t paid much attention to it lately. Taking care of animals or walking in the woods will help you to restore your inner balance.

You will also be in excellent shape this month. You will be able to do more than usual, and if you suffer from any illnesses or diseases, the symptoms might not disappear.

July will intensify your emotions resulting in you feeling absolutely overwhelmed. Watch out for depression and anxiety.

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